Girls In Property

MINDSET MINISERIES #1: Taking the leap!

June 12, 2023
MINDSET MINISERIES #1: Taking the leap!
Girls In Property
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Girls In Property
MINDSET MINISERIES #1: Taking the leap!
Jun 12, 2023

With all three Girls each coming to business at different times and different angles what are the different ways they have experienced and dealt with mindset challenges? Realising there is so much to cover with mindset and how pivotal it has been on keeping one-woman enterprises on track we decided a miniseries is what we need! 
This episode is all about the feelings and attitudes around taking the leap, taking that first step into business on your own. Having the right support, knowing that you aren't the only one who experiences setbacks and dealing with the negative thoughts of others are all covered in this juicy and thought-provoking pod.  

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With all three Girls each coming to business at different times and different angles what are the different ways they have experienced and dealt with mindset challenges? Realising there is so much to cover with mindset and how pivotal it has been on keeping one-woman enterprises on track we decided a miniseries is what we need! 
This episode is all about the feelings and attitudes around taking the leap, taking that first step into business on your own. Having the right support, knowing that you aren't the only one who experiences setbacks and dealing with the negative thoughts of others are all covered in this juicy and thought-provoking pod.  

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Thank you to our main sponsor of this podcast Blanc Property Finance

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You're listening to the Girls in Property podcast, where we explore the world of property, meet amazing guests to hear their stories, and support you in your property journey. Hi, everyone. You're here with me, Sophie and Julia.




And Athena aya Today we're starting our miniseries on mindset. Business can be overwhelming. We get a lot of people reaching out for support, and mindset is fundamental to us. This episode is all about taking the leap. Over to you, Julia.


Hi, guys. So, as everyone knows, it's super scary to just take the leap. And we've had a lot of questions of, how do I start? I'm really scared to take the first leap. And so we thought we'd do an episode that's a bit short and straight to the point of how we decided to take the leap and the mindset that we had when taking the leap and sort of the people we've became since taking the leap. So on to you, Sophie. How did you start? What made you take the leap and how did it go for you?


So, thinking back to when I started my first business, that was indonesia, and that was the diving business, and it was a big leap because it was moving abroad and just starting a business. Not only starting just a business, but also learning the local infrastructure, the local language, the local laws, all the visa stuff as well. So we thought we'd just do it all at once. So I think an important thing is having people around you who support you, as you've said, having self belief, because there will be people out there who don't believe you can do it. My brother came out to visit us indonesia in our second year, and he said, oh, someone owes me 50 quid. I said, why is that? And he said, yeah. One of my colleagues, when they heard you were moving abroad to start a business, they bet me 50 quid that you'd fail within a year. So he didn't believe I could do it, but I had self belief I could do it. And I think for anyone starting out, I would say, do something you know you can do. So you've got a bit of confidence in yourself, you've got that little bit of knowledge, you've done a bit of training, you've done a bit of research, and you think, this is within my capabilities. So, yeah, self belief, do something you can do, and you've got that motivation. For me, it was the freedom and the control and the creativity of just doing whatever you want with a business and shaping it and trying this and trying that. And that is amazing. I'm in charge, I get to decide everything. But it also comes with a massive amount of responsibility and accountability, because within six months, we had several staff and we had to pay them, like we had to pay them every month. And that was a huge responsibility. I remember a few weeks before we opened the resort, were having a staff meeting and discussing something, and a decision had to be made. And were talking about something, and everyone went silent and looked at me, and I was like, this decision, everything just falls back on me now. Whether it's making a decision, being accountable to people, and then what are the ramifications of those decisions? Does that make sense?


Yeah, I think you've taken it to a whole nother level. I think moving abroad, you've basically thrown yourself in the deep end, and then it's like, right, the only way is to learn to swim, and you just sort of continued going. And that's what I love about you. Like, you just keep going no matter what comes at you. It's like, okay, we get through it. There's better days coming. And that's such a good mindset to have. And I think as soon as you adapt to that mindset, there is no way of you failing.


I think we all share that mindset that failure is not an option.


I think what's slightly different with yours as well is that you were no longer responsible just for yourself. You are responsible for other people. So it's not just your bills, it's everybody else's bills as well, and they all look to you. So I think that's a whole different level. I think that's not just starting a business, that's actually growing a business as well. And it's almost a completely different mindset that you have to have. Starting it and then doing it and then growing it. It's two different levels of mindset, I would say.


So obviously we're talking about taking the leap. What puts you in the position to go, Right, it's now or never. Like, let's just jump, let's take the leap.


I think it's different for everyone. What do you think?


Do you know what I think for me, you need to be in a certain position where you're so fed up with life that you're living or the standards or the circumstances that you have in your life, that you're going to go, it's now or never. I'm going to take the leap and I'm going to do it. And I think once you take the leap, it's like you jumping off a cliff, and you're not going to walk back up the cliff because there's nothing up there. You know what's up there already. The only other way is to explore what's down below. And I think that then puts you in a mindset to not give up and keep going. And there is no way I'm failing because I've taken the jump. It's taken a lot for me to do the jump. So now it's like, just keep going. Like, just keep going.


What were your challenges when you started out and how did you overcome them?


Do you know what? I think for me, it was more like my age than anything. It plays a massive part, even though everyone says, oh, my God, you're so young, it's such an advantage. Yes, it is. In the longer term vision, it's a great advantage. But when you're starting out, it's one of the hardest things to do because no one can look past your age. If you don't put on makeup and you look young and you've got a baby face, they will judge a book by its cover, and they won't really think, oh, they know more than me, or they might teach me something. Everyone believes that age plays a massive part, so it's overcoming that. And I think something that I've learned very actually, it's taken me quite a long time to just sort of be okay with my age, who I am, and just truly being confident in yourself and going, you know what, the people who do judge me by its cover, they're not worth my time. And I think that's so important for everyone because everyone has different biases against other people. And I think it's important to go, you know what? I don't care. I'm going to do me. I'm going to stay true to me, and I'm going to do this because I want to do this. I'm going to start a business because I want to start a business. And even though it's hard because I'm young, I'm going to do it and I'm going to show it's possible. So I think my biggest issue was my age.


I think it's such a shame as well, because you have so much to give, so much, and you know so much more than others. We've known you for so long now. It's just like, I just know what you have to give. So I can't imagine age being like that for you.


So cute.


I'm like, crying.


So, Athena, what has it taken for you to take the leap?


Yeah, it's an interesting one because obviously everyone who would listen to my podcast at the beginning, which I think was one of the earlier episodes, would know that I left my full time job on September 16. Today. I'll never forget. So I'm less than a year kind of into my full time property business, if you like, even though I was a landlord for four years before that. And it's really tough. And I touched on something that you said earlier, Julia. You've really just got to go for it. You've literally just got to jump off the cliff and kind of know that there is no turning back. And people will doubt you 100%. And the only reason people doubt you, it doesn't come from a bad place. I've come to realize this. It actually comes from a place of protection, and it comes from a place of love in the majority of cases, where they go, are you sure? Are you sure this is a good idea? And because they don't understand it. What people don't understand, they fear. That is all that it is. And what I've now come to realize as time and time goes on is not everybody thinks the same way. There will always be people out there that will think in a very I don't like the word normal, but they will think in a different way to you, where they will think, I go to work, I come home, I pay the bills. That is what life should be. And then there are others that just think there must be more to life than this. And those people are the ones that will then want to go forward and drive and not succeed, but in that way, yeah.


And I think one of the biggest things, like as you said, it's what people are telling you, like, are you sure? Are you this? And something that I've learned very early on is if you want to kill a big dream, say it to a small minded person. And the way it comes is the life you want to live and where you want to be is actually in your dreams. It's in your imagination. And if you can just shift that mindset to believe that you can achieve what's in your imagination for it to become reality, then you are unstoppable. Like you can literally achieve anything because if you look back at all the years, all of everything that we have around, like humans have made it like someone must have created a car because they were fed up of walking and then someone was like, you know what? I'm fed up of driving. I'm going to create a plane. We've created so many incredible things and people must have gone, you're crazy, you can't fly. And now we've got planes that are so normalized. But this is a thing. It all started from one crazy dream and that person just going, I don't care what you've got to say. I'm going to do me. If I fail, that's on my own account. And I think it's being true to yourself and going, you know what? I don't care what other people say. I just care that I do what's right by me and I'm true to myself and it's going to work out because there is no exit for me. This is the only path.


Exactly. And I think if we talk about the very beginning because this topic is all about taking the leap. So I wanted to stay on topic with that is the fact that I've now been doing calls with people and people have been coming up to me saying, how did you do it? How did you do it? How did you take that leap and everything. And my biggest advice and my biggest thing that I would say to anybody is what worked for me was one getting educated. So always get educated because the more education that you actually get, the more you feel confident in what you do. And I think once you feel confident, you almost know that you can fight back. Anybody who says, oh, I don't think this is a good idea, with actual facts and go, well, this is why it will work, and know it in your heart that it will work, but also have the right people around you. I don't think I would have been where I am today if it wasn't for the circles that I hang around within you two girls. I really don't. And I believe that from bottom of my heart, because I think that you have to have those people that cancel out all of the challenges that you have behind you, that whisper in year going, yeah, but you can do it. You can, because that's what actually just keeps you going and kind of gets a bit of almost fire under you, if you will, when people are trying to put it out behind you and there will always be people behind you. But I tell you, those people who said, I'm not sure about this is it a good idea, are now saying to me, how do It? I've got one friend, particularly, who I won't mention, who told me that she didn't think it was a good idea, she wasn't sure, and now she's actually getting sassed in property and asking me how I did it, and that's a fact. So it is one of those things that they will watch and people will doubt, but it will come. But get educated first.


People will always applause once it's done.


Yeah, but sometimes they don't.


Sometimes they just watch, sometimes they watch and then they applause they will applause there will come a time that they will applaud you. It's just a matter of everyone has different definitions of success and I think that's so important to remember. For me, what was key of taking the leap was just looking at other successful people and going, well, if he can do it, what makes him or her so different? To me, there is nothing that differentiates me. We have the same abilities and it's being able to look at someone else and going, you know what, I can achieve that, I can do that, I believe in myself and I'm going to take the leap and I'm going to achieve it.


Definitely. And also, just one other thing. I know we're talking about mindset and kind of motivation, that type of thing, but also in terms of the education element. If you're looking at getting started in property, it's not just about theory of property. I just want to really touch on this. If you're going to be starting a business, you must understand the business fundamentals going forward. So, for example, if you're going to be starting out, what is your cash flow? Me and Sophie, we talk about this all the time. Cash flow, leveraging, marketing. There are so many aspects of you right now. Thank you see, I do listen and it's really essential.


I hope we got that.


It's really essential that you really do think about these things. So if you're going to get educated, don't just get educated in theory of property, get educated in the business fundamentals and you will succeed and you will go forward and know exactly what you're talking about.


And knowledge gives you power because it gives you confidence. The more you know, the more confident you become and the more self belief you have in yourself because you believe and you see yourself achieving. I think that's so important. But I also think I also wanted touch on how it's not going to be easy. Like you need to know that when you take the leap, you're going to get a lot of dirt. And something that I've heard recently from, I think, a podcast I was listening to I would love to share, which is for a flower or a tree or anything amazing to grow. They put a seed in dirt and there's no sunlight. That get put in a very dark place. And all of a sudden over the years, you'd see a beautiful tree come out of it. And I think that's very similar to starting a business, taking the leap, where you might feel like you're alone. There will be days in business where you feel like so isolated, alone. And then towards the end of it, you'll end up going, you know what? Look at me. You'll look back one day and you'll see, look how much I've grown. And that's the truth in business. That's the truth in taking the leap. Don't expect for it to just be flowers straight away. You need to grow. And for that you need to come.

Athena: Out of the dirt. But at the same time, I think it's also okay to have those days. Like, for example, I have them just keeping it really real and transparent. I have those days where I have not so good days and sometimes I have great days. And sometimes when you start out a business, it's like you do have those where you go, oh, I would rather be doing this. Why am I here doing sorting out locks? Why am I here sorting out this at 07:

00 at night on instead of a curry house? But at the same time you're like, this is why I'm doing it. And always remember your why? Why am I doing this? What do I want to achieve? And it's okay to feel like that, but you must come out of it at the same time and then try and have better days, the rest of them, et cetera.


For all those people who think I'm really in a bad place or I'm in a really s*** financial situation, I don't see how I'm going to get out of this. And I don't see how I'm going to start my property business or any sort of business being in the position I'm in, just know that there has been many people in your situation. And just know that you've also had many days where you thought, I can't do this, and your survival rate is 100%. So just keep going, keep pushing. And that mindset, it will change the more problems you solve. And it's just a mindset thing if you switch your mindset to problem solving, if you switch to your mindset to, there's better days coming, and if you switch your mindset to, I know that this isn't where it finishes. I know that this is just a little dip in the long view sort of tunnel. Then you'll just keep going and eventually you'll end up having a really successful business or be really successful in the career you want, or it would just takes time. It just takes time and a lot of resilience.


Yeah. I'd like to add, I started mentoring a few people recently who are all amazing and just getting to know them, they're often in that space of, I want to take the leap, but I need a little bit of guidance and support. And every single one of them knows a lot more than they think, and they've got more relevant experiences than they think. So when I started with Athena, she's the most amazing salesperson you've ever met. She's incredible. And that's so applicable to our business. Other people, they've got a background in construction or a background in charity work, but everyone's got these transferable skills. They just need a little bit of knowledge in the property strategy or in the business they're trying to do. And with that little bit of knowledge, they're going to absolutely fly. So you do have it in you and you can do it.


I think this is going to be so beneficial to all our listeners out there who have been asking us the questions of how do you do it? How do you keep your mindset positive on those bad days? And I think it's so important to everyone to know that we don't. There will be days where we call each other up saying, I can't do this, and we're surrounded by each other, which we're like, yes, you can take yourself back two days ago where you were doing really great, you're going to get great again. And for every new success, you're going to have a new problem. And there's a whole new level that you need to learn. And the bigger the problems you solve, the greater the achievements you achieve. So just keep going. And I think it's just a matter of who you surround yourself by and how you go about certain situations.


Yeah, I think that especially the property world, and starting out a new business, it can be incredibly lonely, especially if you don't know anybody else who's doing it. I spoke to somebody who said, look, I'm the first person my whole family to be doing this. Nobody understands. I don't really have anybody to talk to. And she reached out to me and I'm, what, 100 miles from her, bless her. And what I said to her was, are there any networking events in your area? It doesn't have to be property, it could be business. The BNI, for example. She says, no, I didn't think about that. I said, Go, because those types of people who go to those events have the same mindset as you, because they're wanting to do their own thing and you will instantly feel better about your decisions. And she went since and did that and said, I went to my first event. I was so pleased for her and she instantly felt better about it. So I think that's great.


I also think a great tip for people, which what I did, I was so young, I was so scared to go networking. I just ended up listening to a lot of motivational people who I found that inspired me to just keep going and gets you out that dark place of the belief and faith that, you know what? I can do this. I'm going to keep going. Today is just a bad day. And so just look out for YouTubers, for podcasts that will help you who dream big, who achieve real great success and just keep going, dream big, hold the vision and trust the process and.


Believe in yourself and always put the wire at the forefront. It will get you through it.


But yeah. Thank you so much, girls. It's been incredible talking about mindset and I think a lot of people will find this super beneficial.




Thank you so much for listening. If you want to find us on Instagram, we're girls in Propertypod. If you want to send a question in, it's and I'm on Instagram.


Sophie Rooms and you can find me as Athena Dobson. I'm on Facebook and Instagram. We're also rooms. Bournemouth. And if you ever wanted to meet for a coffee, let me know.


And my name is Julia Golibievska. That's G-O-L-B-I-E-W-S-K-A on instagram. Bye, guys. Thanks. Bye.

Taking the leap
Self-belief and supporting a growing business
Knowing when it's time to take the leap
Overcoming criticism of inexperience
How did Athena take the leap?
Confidence through getting educated
Putting the seed in the dirt
Having bad days AND good days
You know more than you think - transferable skills
Surrounding yourself with the right people
Social media links & get in touch