Girls In Property

Empowered Leadership: Inner Power and Authenticity with Sherisse Bisram

Athena Dobson

Welcome back to our first episode of Girls in Property for 2025. 

In this episode of Girls in Property, host Athena Dobson sits down with Sherisse Bisram, an Inner Power Activation Leader, to explore her transformative journey from a turbulent past to a life grounded in inner peace and authenticity.

 Together, they dive into: 

  • The impact of mental health struggles and the importance of vulnerability in personal growth.
  • Challenges faced by introverts in competitive spaces and how to thrive despite them.
  • Sherisse’s inspiring work empowering young girls to embrace their true selves and navigate the complexities of growing up.

The conversation expands to cover broader themes of empowerment, healing, and the vital role of creating safe spaces for emotional expression. Athena and Sherisse also explore the relationship between trauma and entrepreneurship, asking the question “Are entrepreneurs created through trauma?” and understanding the balance of masculine and feminine energies, and the importance of setting clear intentions to build a meaningful legacy.

This episode offers valuable insights for anyone on a journey of self-discovery, leadership, or community building. Whether you’re an entrepreneur, a leader, or simply someone seeking inspiration, Sherisse’s story and wisdom are sure to resonate.

Join us for this empowering conversation and be inspired to take the next step on your personal journey!

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Disclaimer: None of the content in our podcast is intended to constitute legal or financial advice. All interviews and statements are the thoughts & opinions of the hosts and guests themselves and should be taken as such. Any information used from this podcast is done so at your own risk.

Good morning everyone and welcome to the first podcast for the girls in property of 2025. Wow. How is everybody? Welcome back. I know we have been taking a bit of hiatus for a little bit of time at taking over the Christmas and new year period, but we are back baby. And we are back stronger than ever. And I cannot wait for you to be introduced to today's guest who is absolutely gorgeous, both inside and out and door her energy. And I think she is the perfect person to start us off for 2025 and an absolute bang and a firecracker. So I would love to introduce you to Sharice Bishram. Hi Sharice. thank you for that beautiful introduction and to be the first one back for the new year, like yes, let's go 2025. Absolutely. And you are, I mean this, you are perfect for today's podcast because people get to know you obviously on this podcast, but I met you in LA when we went and did the wealthy women CEO mastermind, which is such a cool sentence by the way. I love that we met in LA and I just love everything about you. I love your energy. I love what you stand for. I love your story as well, which I think has made you who you are today. And I can't wait for all of the girls to really meet you and really think about. their own energy in themselves when they're thinking about how they want to take themselves forward for 2025. So let's start by giving the floor to you. If you could please introduce yourself, tell everybody a bit about you, some fun facts about you, and then we'll take the conversation from there. Yeah, absolutely. Thank you. So my full title is Sharice Bizaram, Inner Power Activation Leader and Intuitive Healer. And I'm all about providing holistic solution-based approach to mental health and wellbeing for women and girls. you my story, as you sort of touched upon there, was very turbulent, you know, lots of inner child sort of trauma experiences. And I didn't realise that I'd been through all of that until I got to the pandemic. So my whole life I'd lived pretty numb to everything and I'd lived in this masculine force of just doing, pushing forward to survive, really, and to get to where I wanted to be, I was saying now that that force and that survival mode was really the ignition to my spark that kind of launched me forward into where I needed to get to, but once I got there and I was safe... I was still living in that survival mode, which had a massive impact on my mental health and wellbeing. And it had the whole way through my life, to be honest, but I was just trying to block out the noise, know, going 100 miles an hour, not taking in the view. And, you know, a couple of times I crashed, you know, figuratively and really in real life too. And yeah, it was quite a, yeah, as I said. not a very nice way to do things, but equally I did get to where I wanted to be. And then, you know, I became a professional dancer, had a really lovely career. And then as I said, when the pandemic hit, I just realized that everything I'd built for myself was built on such a unstable foundation that everything just crumbled when I got to that point. And I realized that my confidence that had been outwardly shiny to everyone my whole life. was actually a glass house, and then when the foundation crumbled, so did the glass. So the real, the last five years, the real journey for me had been really grounding my roots into who I am as a person, what do I stand for, you know, the healing work, to actually stand tall and strong and learn from what I went through so I can teach it. So now, when people do see me as this vibrant, confident person, I'm like an oak tree, know, my roots go right down into the earth or, you know, even maybe an iceberg, you know, I'm shining on the top, but, you know, the depth of me is really there. And yeah, that's something really important that I feel like needs to be said, especially coming into this new era, because I dabbled into astrology as well. We are now in the age of Aquarius. So it's all about humanitarianism, you know, it's about the reality that we're going to see the downfall of you know, influencers on social media and all the shiny things because people want the reality now. So I feel like it was really important that I start with that part of my story because yeah, I am full of energy and I am grateful to be where I am now because there's times in my life where I didn't think I would be here. So all of the work that I teach is so deeply embedded into every part of me that if you see me in the street, you know, coming out of Tesco's or if you see me on stage, I'm exactly the same person all of the time. So yeah, I feel like integrity is such a big part of everything that I do because I've lived it. Yeah, I love that. that's so true. And, you know, I know that we sort of exist, if you like, in different industries, but actually there's such cohesion within them because this year, feel like not, well, no, we're in 2025 now, last year, 2024, I feel like I almost started as a different person, if that makes sense. So when you're developing a business, as I know a lot of the listeners are, what you end up happening is you end up sort of thinking, Like what does the business need? What do I have to do? And you almost, and I've said this before on a previous podcast, you almost don't prioritize yourself. And so what therefore ends up happening is you forget who you are, which is an important part of the business as it were. And I think that what this year has taught me more than anything else and by finding you and finding the other girls actually within Rebecca's Mastermind group is, is to find sort of your inner peace and who you are. And I love that you said that it's about discovering that. And I feel like this year, what I've really taken away for 2024 is who is it that I actually want to be? And I feel like that's only happened this year and I'm 33 and I've only thought about that this year. And it's like, well, who do I want? Who am I? What do I want to represent? What do I want to show? And I also want to be the same person offline and online. And as I've said to you before, Sharice, and you'll know, and I've said it to the girls, I'm not a woo-woo kind of a person. It's not really my jam. It's not my thing. I'm quite, you know, we'll talk about masculine, feminine energy. I'm usually quite masculine. But this year, I feel like I've really softened and looked kind of within me to go, well, why am I doing this? What's the purpose? Like, who am I? What do I represent? And I've had to come up against quite a lot this year, as I'm sure most have. when we are faced with decisions we've got to make where we have to think to ourselves, what is it we want to represent? Do we want just the money? And if we want just the money, then you will take a certain path. If it's that you want to be integral and to gain money, but in the right way, you know, that's completely different. And the example of that is like sponsorships, for example, coming forward that I easily could have taken easily, but they didn't align with who I am as a person or as a brand and I'm like, well, why would I do that? Why would I jeopardize the girls? And that's what I mean when I'm talking about that and thinking about who it is that you are. And I love that you also said just then you were talking about this glass house aspect, which is so important because you do see, don't you, quite a lot of people who seem really outgoing, really strong, really powerful, know, power dressing is a massive thing as well. But actually get to know the person behind that. they do have imposter syndrome, they have less confidence. So I love that you just touched on that and really perhaps brought that to light for others to think just because somebody maybe looks confident, looks powerful doesn't mean that they actually feel that way. Yeah, and I think that that's something that I really want to dismantle this year and that I feel like that's my personal mission for business owners and women to be able to integrate that with them, you know, because I know that pathway, know, something that I do have done for myself for so long and I am dealing with clients and I feel like it's so important. And that part there, that integration, that's the richness, you know, like we're all searching for this North Star, but that feeling of showing up and feeling like you embody everything you stand for in everything that you do. That is the part that I felt like was missing in my dance career. I was always striving for the next thing or for the next job. And in the dance industry, don't get me wrong, it's really incredible. You get to do what you love every day. But equally, what you show for that is that you have 30 seconds on a video and if you miss it, you're gone. You know what I mean? And it's like, you work all that hard work for that. And I feel like for me as a... double Leo, so my Leo's son and the Leo rising, like I know I need to be heard and seen and that was a lot of my trauma as well growing up is I didn't feel heard and I didn't feel seen as a little girl. So you know as an adult now I feel like it's equally if not more important that women are you know showing their true self and their true essence like if you are naturally introverted play into that you know own that space you don't have to do it like everyone else. And then being seen and heard, like being heard especially, you know, where we're seeing a lot of women, especially in business, use the same type of jargon and the same talk and the rhetoric that everyone else is using, but lean into what you are and who you are, you know, because a lot of us have had adverse experiences. I talk about mine openly. I feel like when I met you, we both spoke about our life experiences and we're quite open to do so, but a lot of women don't want to show that side of things because it's their vulnerability, but... you know, Brene Brown to quote, is vulnerability is your strength, right? And when we can show up with all of us and like all of our cards on the table, there's nothing to hide. You're no longer needing to feel that imposter syndrome because everyone knows your stuff, right? And then you get to be known for what you're incredible at and not what you're missing because, you know, unfortunately, if you feel like there's a gap, people will see it because you're making it a thing, you know, don't make it a thing and it doesn't need to be there, but... That's where, you know, that integration of healing is the fundamental piece that a lot of people are trying to run from, you know, they're like, I'll deal with that later. Or when they have a, you know, if you're on your period, for example, and you feel really hormonal, like that's a time where, you know, nature is asking you to look at what the shadow parts of yourself are. But the minute your cycle stops and you're onto the next phase and you're in your inner springtime, you just forget about it. And then again, it builds up. So if you're going to constantly run from it, which I did, so I'm speaking from experience, it will eventually implode you from the inside out. And that's when people hit rock bottom and they have nowhere to go. Whereas, you know, when you start to do the work, you gain these tools. So then every time you start to feel a bit low, you're like, I'm just going to write these things down. I'm just going to dive into this. And then you never fall as deeply as you had in your worst moments. And that's really, for me, the beauty of all of this stuff. I just got a quick question on that one, which is when you're talking about the fact that if you are an introverted person, you said, you know, lean into that. So just a question on that. Within my sector, which is kind of the property sector, business sector, there is a lot of noise. There is, there's a lot of people competing for, you know, investor finance, for the best deals, speaking to agents. And there will be listeners listening to this podcast who are more introverted naturally. And I know quite a few of them. actually I watched, I actually watched somebody who is a natural introvert trying to come out, trying to play, I'm going to call it the game that everybody else plays. And she, she just fell away from it. She was like, this isn't who I am. It's not aligning with who I am. So in such a noisy industry, how would you suggest that, maybe more introverted people go about things to try and raise their profile or try and get forward with it really. Yeah, I would say that a lot of our generation now is all about what social media shows, isn't it? You know, the success of social media. But if you're naturally introverted, you don't even need to use social media. You know, that would be a massive thing for me is just come away from social media, you know. And if you want to be on some form of a platform, LinkedIn obviously is a lot different to Instagram, for example. So then that could be that instead of you jumping on and being face view, you could just be writing blogs about the information that you wanna share and things like that. And that in itself, doing the blogs is still a really big industry. Pinterest, you can share your blogs, do all of those things. But as a business owner yourself, you can still do business without telling people, right? And I think that that's something again that we view successes as if people know. all of this stuff about me, then that makes me more credible. But actually, you know, there is that thing about working in silence. Now, I believe that's a double edged sword, because I think that if you're naturally introverted, work in silence. But if you are someone that has big goals, and ambitions, and you want to be held accountable, do speak them out loud. Because I think that there is, you know, leaning into that strength there of people saying to you, how's that thing going? You know, and then you're like, yeah, I'm working on it. Or if you haven't, you're like, wow, that was the accountability I need. Thank you for pulling me up for that. But again, an introverted person won't like to be confronted like that. So you have to really lean into yourself and everyone can do this. Just literally do a SWOT analysis of yourself, strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats. And that's something that I teach the girls in the schools that I do my program called Polition to Shine with. And it's literally a journey of self discovery through six weeks for the teenage girls. And I do this work with my adult clients as well. And I think it's really important, but when you know what your strengths are, you play to them. When you know what your weaknesses are, you can either utilize them as in like, you know, maybe I won't do that thing because it's not my strength. I don't enjoy it, you know, or you can transmute it and say, you know what? I want to be better at that thing. So I'm going to start working on it. Right. It gives us that opportunity to see it all. And that's where the opportunity is coming. Right. Because you take the threat. how can you make that into an opportunity, right? And it's like crossing over all of the lines of that. So if you did it in a box, you would be able to then, you know, see the different parts of each one and integrate it again together to be able to make you a plan to, you know, if you want to come out of your shell, if you want to be, you know, for me, I was naturally aggressive and angry all the time. I was explosive because, you know, that was what I'd been through in my life in a way seen. So... I knew that my temper was something that was holding me back and actually people weren't taking me as seriously because I was shouting at them rather than speaking with a more calmer tone, for example. Everything I was saying was probably the right thing. I just came across differently. So I had to work on anger management to be able to calm down. And that came naturally of healing. But for an introvert, if you just know that you don't want to be camera facing, then don't be camera facing. You don't have to do that just because everyone else is. And I think this is the real thing that I want to make clear is that each and every single one of us are individual. So you have to do what you feel is right for you. You know, I'm really leaning into that. Like, do I want to go on camera today? Not really. So let's not do that. What can I do instead? Now, even podcasts, for example, there's a lot of podcasts that don't use video. So actually, if I was going to... approach a podcast and I was an introvert, I'd say, look, I don't really like being on camera. So is there an option that we don't do that part and I can just speak, right? Or again, if you don't even want to talk about it, write it down, send a newsletter, do articles in a paper. There's so many different ways. And I think that if we tunnel vision ourselves saying, I can't do that, I'm not comfortable, you then make yourself isolated. Whereas if you're like, that's not my strength, but what is? that opens up a door of opportunity. Beautiful. I love that. And I think that's so well said as well. And I think that one of my learnings, if you like, is I think when I was trying to teach people before, this is like two years ago, I've learned a bit since then. But I think I thought, well, this works for me and I've been able to be successful doing it this way. So try it this way. And you almost do suggest things that work for you, but you're right. You've got to look at the person in front of you and think, well, what works for you? And I think what you said was perfect. I love the blog ideas, I love the newsletters and also this idea that you don't have to be on socials. I meant or somebody who hates social media, she won't go on it. Incredibly successful, incredibly successful raises investor finance in her own circle with her own black book. This person knows this person who knows this person and does it beautifully. So social media isn't the answer to everything, but also can bring you such beautiful things as well. So just be open, I think just be open and just Try everything once, I always say, and see where it goes. Shuri, one of the things I, no, I've forgotten to do. It's just that we've been so engrossed in our conversation, I've loved it so much, is one of the things that I do on the podcast is we talk about what we're celebrating, either at this moment in time or something recent. And I definitely don't want to forget on our first podcast of 2025, what we are celebrating. So what are you celebrating at the moment? that's such a good question. I think that this is definitely a new space for me to be in where everything feels calm and easy. And I think that I'm celebrating that because like I said, my life's been at full pace for 100 miles an hour my whole life. So I'm really celebrating the calmness and stillness. And actually I start to do the data from the school projects that I've been working on, the school programs. I'm just celebrating the transformations I think that I'm... I've been having with the girls in the school, like, and I've got this data in front of me that has the evidence of this in, in like a tangible form, and that's really beautiful. So I guess it's celebrating slowness and transformation. talk to me a little bit more about what you do with these girls because I love it and as you know I'm trying to get into schools myself and speak to... the last school I went to it was just women and I think that's probably the focus I will be going forward. So what is it that you do with the girls in terms of their transformation? Yeah, well, I think because I've been a dance teacher, obviously, with my dance career, I've been in a lot of schools over the last 11 years. So naturally, speaking to that generation is so easy for me. It's something I don't even think about. And I was actually teaching dance up until June this year, sorry, last year, 2024, because I still loved it, you know, at the time. But I was getting to a point where I started to not love it. And that for me has always been an indication where I need to stop. So... Up until that point, kind of, I would say February time, I was in a school covering the dance teacher. And I just walked into the office. And again, I'm running my business alongside this. So still running dance, running my, you know, inner power activation leader stuff. And I just asked the school, I was like, what are you doing for International Women's Day? And the school was like, we've got a few things planned, but really we want to create longevity for the girls. We don't want just like a one and done. And I was like, So like a six week program that'd be developed in their mental health and wellbeing would be something you'd be thinking about. And they're like, yeah, absolutely that. So I'd already had the program ready because I delivered it to women the previous year. So I did it as an online program. So all of the modules were set. But even if I go back further than that, when I started to do my healing journey in the lockdown, I started to formulate these journal prompts that I was using for myself. And then... In 2022, I launched the actual journal itself. So, the journal is the format to the workshop and the program. So then the program now that I teach to girls came from like five years ago. So like this idea and concept has developed. So that's why as well I wanted to add this in is because a lot of people think that if it's not happening or working right now, it failed. But you have to be patient and trust that the reason it's come to you is for something greater than you, you know? And these tools and prompts helped me out of a really dark place, and I'm seeing it do the same for women and girls. You know, I no longer teach that program to women as a, a weekly thing, but I do have it formulated into a self-study now, because, again, this work is making such a massive difference. So I cover topics each week, so... The first one is called Bird's Eye View, which is just an overview of, you know, what we'll be covering, getting them to look at reflective work, because again, it might not have been something anyone's ever done before, you know, women and girls. And I think for girls, for example, like I was doing an anonymous quiz at the beginning, I asked them, do they know what self-awareness is? Or do they consider themselves self-aware? Do they have boundaries, you know? And a lot of them say yes. but they don't actually know what it means. That's really funny and I always look at the data because then I'm like, they've said yes, but actually I had no idea. But I think as well, an important thing to say on that is I think a lot of women don't do that either. And especially with my clients, when they come to me, they're like, yeah, I'm really good at setting boundaries. And then when we talk about what's happening, they're like, no, I'm not good at setting boundaries. I'm like, it happens to the best of us. I was there, I did it. So we cover... Self-awareness, boundaries, we do a session called Deep Dive, which is all about the shadow work that inner child's healing. And I know you're going to say to me, what does teenagers know about inner child healing? But a lot of them are in that phase in their life right now. for me, between the ages of 12 to 17 was when I had 11 members of my family die back to back, as well as my parents. So for me, that was a really hard time in my life where they're at. So I wanted to show them that in where they are right now. they do have the power to, you know, tap into these dark and hard feelings and then transmute them into, you know, something to keep them going or release out that heavy baggage so they can move forward in their life knowing that there's more. And yeah, so just giving those tools there, tap it into what self-love actually is, which for me is self-respect plus self-acceptance. That's literally what self-love is. And then... creating like a plan to move forward and sort of dabbling a little bit into manifestation too, because then that gets them excited about how they can go from feeling a bit lower or a bit sad in their life to actually, I now have the tools to feel better. Now I feel better. Let's call in what I actually want for my life. And I, every session do visualizations. So that is so powerful for them because they've never meditated or sat still before. So then. going into meditation and being able to see themselves in a vision is like transformative. And I've had such beautiful feedback this time around. was in two schools this last term and one of the girls said to me, she was a year nine student and she came in late to the program. So she joined on like week three and I said to her at the end of the session, cause obviously it was her first one, how did that go? And she said to me, at the beginning you asked us to reflect on how we felt about ourselves. And she wrote, I'm broken. and there's nothing to fix me. And she went, at the end of the session, I don't know what you did, but it worked and I've tried everything. And I was like, trying not to cry. was like, yeah, I'm really glad. And even just like those little moments where I say to the girls, like, I am a safe space here. Right, I'm an adult that you can speak to. Now again, I follow all of the safeguarding procedures. I know all of this stuff, right? I've been in schools for a really long time doing other things. So I understand how this all works. And like one of the girls had been self-harming. So then like being able to show her and help her understand why she was doing that. Again, like to see her little face light up when she just felt understood. I was like, this is the beauty of this work. And another girl when I was telling my story, because again, the real part, and it was on the data as well, like most of the girls, their most key takeaway was hearing my stories and knowing it gets better. You know, for all of the darkness that I've been through, I think that one of the girls at the end said to me that she was going for a similar thing that I'd been through in my life. And she was like, what can I do about it? So just being able to really... Yeah, empower them to see that they have these choices that don't have to be the way they thought they were. That for me is like, you know, definitely my biggest transformation that I'm grateful for. But equally, you know, working with women as well, like it doesn't matter who is getting access to this work. It's just so important because we've all followed a pattern that we've seen from our own lived experiences and we're just cut and pasting it as we go in our lives. And we don't realise at any point that we can just stop cut and pasting and just create a new pathway. And for me, when I see people either understand what happened to them, so they accept it and release it, and then they rebuild that new space and they're now soaring, absolutely soaring and watching them knowing what they've been through, that's so beautiful. But equally, even the person who just held the weight of everyone else, drop all of that baggage and be free. again, they're ascending in their own way. So whether that's girls or women, I'm seeing the real impact of this work. And what's a real beautiful part of it is that this has come from me and my story. So like every time I help someone else heal, it's like healing a version of me in the past as well, every time, because I've done this work for me in this lifetime, but I do believe in like a woo woo space that there's like past versions of me that heal every time as well. So I do always say to people that... when you choose to do this work, you're breaking generational cycles, you know, and it's uncomfortable. It's not what you want to do, but the other side of it, that richness I was talking about at the beginning, that is something that is unmatched, you know, but it is going to ask you to confront something you've been hiding, you know, for a long time, you have to take that mask off of perfection and actually embrace the everything, you know, but that's when you can will that into... that strength and for me I call it alchemy. It's turning that pain into that liquid gold space and it's malleable because now all of this liquid gold that I've been working on for myself is now transcending out to everyone that I've been working with and that's like, yeah, real legacy work for me which I'm really proud of. you should be so proud. Like I've got goosebumps just listening to that. And you're so right. It's about, and this comes back to it, Sharice. It comes back to who do you want to be? you know, obviously with Girls and Property, like the messages, for example, about how it's changed people's lives. Like that's what gets me up in the morning. It really is. And that's what's so powerful. One of the things, well, two things I thought as you were speaking, the first thing I thought to myself was thinking about how for me, the most difficult years, well, apart from many others, but some of the most difficult years of my life were actually at school. Because when you're at school, I feel like you're learning who you are. And there's all these other people within your peer groups who are trying to mold you to be exactly like them. And you feel that you have to be like them to be cool and to fit in. And I found that so difficult at school. I think like most entrepreneurs actually, I'm gonna come onto this topic in... in a second is I definitely didn't fit in at school. No way did I fit in. I was the frizzy haired Greek girl with the weird name in London school. and I just didn't fit in and I feel like I tried so hard to fit in and I tell the story. I tell the story, Theresa, you will love this, right? They, I've got so many of these. One of them is that I, I used to be told that I had to pay five P back in the day, five P to sit on the cool kids table. So for like, I can't even tell you how many months, like literally I paid five P every day to sit at their table for lunch. And then one day I didn't have five P and I had to go and sit on my own having lunch. And I'm telling you that like molded me into the person that I am literally because I was just thrown away like, like rubbish. And now when you think about that, it's such a funny story. And like, I laugh so, so, so much when I tell the story, but when you think about that girl who sat there, like those are the girls that were helping. Mmm. like, you don't need to do that, you know, who are you, who do you want to be? But it's so hard. I think that school children in particular, I think are so important to speak to, especially now with social media, especially now with mobile phones, like, oh my God, if I had a mobile phone back then, it would have been a lot worse, like a lot worse. Yeah. say to them as well. I'm like, you have it a lot worse than we did. You know, that 5P situation, that literally, like imagine her, you get then getting ridiculed all evening because you sat on your own, you know, like it is that, isn't it? you know, we even see it on our own social media pages as adults, you know, there's people trolling you. Like those trolls are the ones that need the most work. And that's actually a really important lesson that I teach all of the girls is the fact that Hurt people hurt people. So the bully that's bullying you is going through something 10 times worse. And again, repeating something they've seen. So if their parent speaks to them, you know, in a really abusive way, and they're now speaking to you like that, they've only ever seen that way, and that's where we offer compassion. I know. But you know, like, like my mum always used to say to me all the time, the standard thing that mum would say, which is, they're just jealous of you, Athena. They're all just jealous of you. And I'm like, and I'd, know, 10 year old me, 11 year old me would be like, mum, there is nothing to be jealous of. Look at me, you know. And that's the thing, like that is actually how you feel when you're that age, because you almost haven't gone through enough of life experience to be able to realize. they are just jealous or hurt people hurt people. And I think that maybe if we'd have had more of that in our schools, because I didn't have anything like you in my school series, like nothing like you. No. Yeah. I'd run out. Yeah. And I mean, as I got older in secondary school, there was more diversity. then because I found dance, it was kind of like another outlet. And then I didn't feel as like other. But equally, I feel like as I got older, I did become a little bit more cool. But I think it was because I danced and, you know, all of these things. But yeah, it really is. something I can't remember what I going to say now on that, but it was so really important. It might come to me back in a minute, but... Well, I tell you what, shall I do my celebration? You think about what you were going to say and then we'll do that. So my celebration, I was thinking about this and I was thinking, well, as it is the first of, well, it's the sixth today, but it's the first podcast of 2025. actually did, have you done this? Cause I know you've got your own podcast. Did you get like a Spotify wrap, whatever it's called? Did you get one? So I received one. So I received my 2024 Girls and Property wrap. And it's got the stats here. to be honest with you, like I was, I was like, wow, with the stats, I was like, fair play. That's pretty cool. Um, and I just want to share these cause I'm really proud of them actually, which is so downloads just for 2024 was 17.3 thousand downloads, which I thought was fair. I thought, yeah, that's pretty good. 46 episodes I did, which is pretty healthy. 71 countries was my favorite. 71 countries. I'm like, who the hell is listening? So if you're in a different country to the UK, hi, welcome. Thank you so much for listening. And it says here 2.76k. So I presume 2,760 minutes of podcasting that people have listened to. And it's in top 25 of all shows on Here we go, top 25 % of all Buzzsprout podcasts, which is pretty cool. So yeah, that's what I'm going to celebrate. Absolutely. Like this is definitely such a beautiful space for you. And I think that, you know, your name is Athena, like the goddess Athena. So this is, this is, mean, by the way, guys, when I met Athena in LA, that's all I was calling her. was like, your goddess Athena, but you do embody those characteristics, right? The leadership, you know, is there, you know, I'm really glad and happy for you to have this space. But that was what I was going to say is that look at you now, you know. Like these people feeling that way about like making you feel other and it's like maybe those people are now jealous of you but we don't live for them, we live for ourselves and every time you achieve something great that little you that had to go through all that hard stuff, she is feeling more seen because you are being more seen, you know? Yeah, and I really do see those kids, you know, who don't quite fit in. Like you see them every day, you really do. And those are the ones I want to help. Those are the ones I want to be like, like, girl, just, you know, just wait, just wait, like brighter days are coming, as it were. And the other thing I wanted to say actually, it reminded me is also what I think is an important thing to note is me and you have chosen to go down this path of helping women. and helping girls as it were. And it's a beautiful path and it's the path that we feel is most aligned with ourselves. But there is a part of me which still sees to this day, a lot of men going through quite similar things. And I feel like I understand why we have what we have. And I know why I have girls in property and why I've chosen to go down this road. But ever so often I do see men going through very similar things and almost like there's not that space for them. And they, and I almost feel like, you know, what then happens to those guys? And I've been speaking to people at the moment who, like for example, there's a men in property group, like I've got girls in property, he's got men in property, and I'm actually gonna invite him on the podcast, because I really wanna talk to him. And his whole philosophy is for men in property to talk about mental health, to talk about things. And I also wanna say that I also believe that that is so important, because I have had guys who have said to me, that they listen to this podcast and it's really helped them, but they don't feel they have their space to go to. And I'm like, well, I don't want them to also feel isolated. They also deserve to have a space where they can go and feel seen and heard. it's, did you know what, Trish, if I'm honest with you, it was a really difficult conversation. It's a really difficult topic and almost, I don't even have a solution to it because I know because of the rooms that I've been in that... Women talk differently when it's just women in a room and there are no men around. I know that, I've seen it, I know it in my heart. But at the same time, I want there to be a space for men to go and feel that they also can be seen and heard and don't have to be this masculine, okay man. Like they can break down and they can have their own thoughts and feelings. It's quite difficult. No, I do know that's something that I get asked all the time because I actually do a lot. I did a lot of work with teenage boys when I was teaching dance. So I was teaching like a separate street hip hop and break dancing class to boys when I was in teaching dance all the time. So I've got a way with, with teenage boys as well as I do girls, but I'll be completely honest with you. I just think that the value that they'll get from listening to a man speak about their feelings creates the opening. And a lot of people ask me now, they're like, do you work with men? I'd love to work with you. I feel more comfortable working with you. And I was like, you need to be speaking to another man in this industry. And I know that for us as women, and we're focused in our space, we don't see the space that there is for men, but there are. And I think you just have to look for it and ask the right questions. And a big thing about doing this work from a heart-led space is you want to help people, but you can't help everyone. And that's what makes us martyrs. And we don't want to be that. We want to be able to support in the best way that we can. There's definitely spaces available. Like I've been in my field now. I know a lot of male mentors and a lot of male coaches that do something along the lines of mental health and wellbeing, you know? So there's definitely spaces out there for everyone because the thing is, if you want to help everyone, you end up helping no one in the end, right? And I think that... If your intention always with the podcast is that someone listening is going to benefit from whatever you say right now, then that's the space that everyone gets help from, right? It's the same with my podcast, same with my social media. say all of my digital content is for everyone. So whoever resonates with it, I will be speaking directly to women. But again, if you're listening and you resonate, amazing. But my one-to-one spaces and my programs in the school are designated for women and girls because... I've only ever been a woman or a girl. Now, if I hadn't and I had lived a different life, I would absolutely be appealing to those people too. But because I've only lived this experience, I think it'd be wrong of me to take away that feeling of feeling seen from someone that doesn't resonate with my story, you know? And I think that that's something really important that, yeah, needs to be said. And also going back to when we talking about the girls in the school, when you're before the ages of like, sort of 15 upwards, your prefrontal cortex hasn't developed, that's your like rational thinking. So everything that you feel is an emotional response. So when you are going through bullying and things like that, before that age, you think it's all your fault, even what you experienced at home. So that's kind of something to think about for a lot of us as women and girls and everyone listening, you know, what you experience in your childhood is what you're repeating in your adulthood because that little child... emotionally took on that response when they didn't need to. So I think that that's also something I just want to sort of spin back around to just to add in there because I do think that's important. No, you're so right. And actually you're spot on when you say that you feel that they would be better for a guy to stand and talk about it because we're biologically and genetically different as well. Like we go through different things, we think differently. So I'm going to be inviting him on the podcast because I think it's so important to almost understand why he decided to start Men in Property and creating that space for men to talk about. they are because we're human beings at the end of the day aren't we like there is no them and us we're all just human beings we all have feelings whatever that may be and i think that's really important just to say that i do recognize that there is need for space for the men as well it's just who is the right person to do it for them yeah beautiful is that? And you know, we see boys all of the time, like, making jokes. I actually did a talk in a boys' school empowering men to empower women, and they all were giggling at the beginning, and then I just drew them in, and then the teachers were all, like, mind-blown. They're like, how did you do that? And I was like... Cool. But I think because I can talk about the difficult stuff as well as the easy stuff. Yeah. the dance career, so I was in a Marvel film, so I used that to entice the boys. I'm like, I was in a Marvel movie. But for men, how wonderful will it be to see like a really successful man or sportsman just open up and cry? You know, like how wonderful would that be for them to be like, crying isn't even a bad thing, you know? So I think that this is why that's important because they're role models that they look up to and need to show them the way, just as we do, right? Just as we do, absolutely. And the need for the space. I have a really interesting question for you. And I've been wanting to ask you this question. I got asked this question on a different podcast and I thought, what an interesting question. So I've got to remember it now. No, no, no. It's a really, really good question. The question was, let me try get it right. Do you believe that entrepreneurs are built from trauma? or are entrepreneurs developed from trauma? It's an interesting question, right? So what's your thoughts? to go little bit woo-woo with this, just brace yourself for this, but I feel like your analytical mind will make make sense for you as well. So I feel like I'm going to explain it well. So I believe that our souls choose this life. So whatever it is, whether you believe in Jesus, God, Spirit, Universe, I believe that our souls choose this life before we come, and we each have a role to fill out. So for me, for example, in my family lineage, addiction has always run in the family, the woman has always been oppressed by the man, and that cycle has been repeated throughout time, right? Addiction and narcissistic relationships. I'm the first person in my entire family to not do that. I just stopped and I was like, that doesn't follow me. I remember being six years old and saying to myself, I will never let anyone treat me like this. And that was the first time I put that armor on and I was like, right, I'm going to be the protector now. Again, toxic in itself, but... still that thing. And it was that drive and force that pushed me forward. So every time something was hard, you know, haven't really touched too much on this, but growing up in an area that wasn't diverse, I would face racism on a daily basis. So even walking home from school, people would wind their window down and shout racist abuse to me. So I had a choice, even from that young age, like, do I want to be a victim and to be... Now, when I say be a victim, I don't mean of like, you know, if you get physically attacked and things like that, it's very different, but... when you feel a victim, that's equally something important that we need to think about. So I could feel a victim and feel like everyone hates me, there's no point being here, or I could say this stops here, this stops with me. And I, at that age, was about seven, six or seven years old. that there, how does a six or seven year old even know that at that point, right? For me, that's something that's far beyond me, right? And I just believe that at every point, whether it was my parent... wanting to physically hurt my other parent, whether it was out in the street and a grown man would shout something racist at me, I just knew that if I didn't say something in that moment, the cycle would continue to repeat. And that very essence of that there is the reason I do this work now for those little girls and for the women that have been taught to keep quiet, to be small, to you're never worthy of anything more. Those women that have been taught that. My real core essence of everything I do is because I want to show women that anything they want to achieve is possible and that they can let go of all of those beliefs and the trauma that they experience and crack that open so their truest self can ascend. And I feel like all entrepreneurs have a reason why they do what they do and a reason why they're successful, be it a financial thing that they saw in their family or... an emotional thing or a traumatic thing, there's a reason connected to it. And in trauma, there's big T-trauma, which is obviously attack, abuse, some collision, natural disaster, or there's small T-trauma, which is the emotional abuse and the neglect and the things like that. So trauma is such a spectrum and there's a different way to see it. But I just believe that you're here for a purpose. And I think that the people that don't live in their purpose and they keep small are the ones that keep repeating the generational patterns over and over again. And that I feel in trauma, especially, trauma keeps repeating in cycles until someone's willing to face it. And I believe that every single entrepreneur has faced something that their lineage has shown them and decided to create a new legacy for their family and their life. So. every single person that's listening to this, choosing to do something different out of the norm of what they've seen or experienced or even just the financial goals and wanting more for their family, you all are creating a new pathway for your generations to come. And I always say it's like a ripple, you know, like this change that we're creating, this soul-led change that we're creating, it's like a ripple effect. And like how many ripples we're creating is that now creating the tide of the ocean, you know, because we're really bringing in change. And I think that This is where this age of Aquarius is all coming in. It's like the soul led, the humanity, the reason why is bigger than the external financial gains or success. And, you know, I'm to be speaking all about this as well. doing a online workshop on the 22nd of January. It's called Become the Iconic Leader. And it's all about this, you know, this soul led space, like how we heal through what we've been through to be able to show all of ourselves. And I feel like that was an important thing to add there because this is really what I'm talking about is this part. Hmm, exactly. And it's just such an interesting question, isn't it? And I've been thinking about it ever since he asked me the question on his podcast, because I'm trying to think about people that I know who are entrepreneurial, and nearly all of them have gone through something, whatever it may be, it's their story. And it's just so interesting to think, like, did that lead to that, which led to that, which led to our thought process? And is it was it? I don't know. I just love thinking about these things. I've always said, if I could go back and redo my life, like at uni and everything, I would love to become a psychologist because I love psychology. I love thinking about the way people think and human behavior. And it's amazing. you know, I remember, never forget when Rebecca, Rebecca Bar came and did a talk for the community group, all about money mindset. And I'll be honest with you, I had no idea where that conversation was going to go because it was a free room and everybody could speak their truth. And the conversations that came out of that were incredible. Like things where they were saying, this happened to me as a child, which therefore made me believe this, which therefore led me to this. And I was like, wow, I didn't know that about you. I've known you for a year and I didn't know that about you. Like, and they were, they were opening up and speaking about it and it all came back to some form of childhood. when you speak to lots of entrepreneurs, you know, usually 80 % of the time you'll hear them say, when I first started, people thought I was crazy. people told me not to do it. And it's like, that's because that's what they were doing. That was their cycle. That's not your cycle. And so, yeah, I just find the whole thing really, really interesting. And I think to myself, I think to myself about my own life really in these moments. And I think to myself, when did mine start as it were? And I think mine was, you know, because my dad left when I was quite young and mum obviously raised us. I'm trying to think to myself, was it in that moment that I went, I'm supposed to not have this happen to me. I'm supposed to have money. I'm supposed to protect. I'm supposed to do this. And I think, yeah, and that's where the masculine thing comes in. So yeah, it's really interesting. that's where my masculinity came from too, because you took the role that the parent didn't take. So that's it. but then the other interesting things Reese is this idea that this year, what I'm learning is that, obviously, I started the year with real masculine energy. And then having obviously the feminine energy come in, but learning that actually, it's also okay to have masculine energy. There's that you need the masculine to go with the feminine. I think, if you don't mind actually just touching on that a little bit, because because the listeners, especially for the new year, I think why what most for the listeners out this podcast. is when they're to go and set their goals and when they're going to go and start their week, know, Monday the 6th of February, what is the energy that they want to have going into their days and lives and how masculine and feminine can work together. Yeah, absolutely. And it needs to be both. know, like I feel like when we're saying masculine, feminine energy, it's like every single human being has both within their body. And it's the harmony we create from it. But if I make it sort of an analogy, the masculine energy is the structure. So you need these pillars of structure in place, so then the feminine energy to flow through it. So, you know, if you want to create a sustainable and successful business, there needs to be pillars that you meet, whether that is you know, your sales process, your content strategy or marketing strategy. If you don't want to think about content, there needs to be this set pillars in place. And then you can be creative with how that looks. You can be free flowing with the conversations that you have around sales. You can be, you know, you can go into doing some movement and trusting that the funnels that you create are bringing in the sales for you. You know, there's, there's all of these little points that we can add throughout, but you won't have a business. if you don't have action. But the best way for you as a woman listening, now this goes for women because this is the way women naturally think and feel, is you have to find the stillness, the joy or the peace first. So when you sit in either meditation or you go into the shower or you go for a walk, that's when all your best ideas will come. Once you have those best ideas, write them down and take one aligned action towards it. Now, if you're someone like me that has really massive big goals and dreams, sometimes it feels a bit scary and a bit too far away, but what's one thing that can get you closer to it? You know, for example, if you're thinking that you're, maybe you have a side hustle and you want to make that your full-time thing, but your full-time thing is taking up a lot of time, you know, can you have a conversation with your boss about potentially dropping down one day, you know? And then that seems scary. And I actually did that with one of my clients. So I said to her, she's started to like build up her own sort of business on the side and her main sort of corporate job she's still going. I said to her before Christmas, I said, let's email your boss and ask them, is there a possibility to do four days? And I was like, you're not asking for it, you're just saying, is there an option for it? So then when you're ready in February, March time, the boss is already prepped and then you don't feel so scared to make that offer because you've already had one little thing that's bringing you towards it. that aligned action is that divine masculine energy, right? Because it's that one little thing that you can do. And often what I don't want to take discredit here is the fact that when you're doing something outside of what is normal, because normal for us is what feels safe. And if you again, have grown up in situations where I've felt a verse or hard, know, the same reason why people pick partners that are like their fathers or mothers, for example, is because of this cycle. So, you know, anything you do outside of what feels safe or normal is going to feel uncomfortable at first. It always will, you know, but you have to sit in that discomfort. And I feel like really and truly that divine leadership and the successful mindset is being uncomfortable, being comfortable, being uncomfortable, you know, it's knowing that that is a step I need to take. Now there is a difference between being uncomfortable with that action to actually just feeling like gut instinct, is wrong. and you have to tune that, that's your instrument to tune. But by taking a little step and then coming back again, you'll find that grounding, but you have to step out of your comfort zone to get anywhere, right? So I would just say, you know, start with what are the big audacious goals? And then underneath that was one step you can do in January for that, you know? And that's gonna give you an actionable plan that's achievable. Because then maybe in February, you look back at that task and you're like, right, in January, I did this one step for that. How about February, I'll do this one step for that. You and you start to build up your year plan based on real achievable things. And then even that, your feminine might take over and be like, do you what, we're gonna make this really easy. And you might find that the universe does the work for you. You'd have one conversation with someone and actually you achieve three things on your list because they're like, oh, I need someone to do that for me. Great, you're perfect. You know, so it's being open-minded, I think for sure. And tuning in. Yeah, I love that. Do you know, my best ideas come to me when I brush my teeth. Honestly, I think it's because I stand still. I stand still and I just stand there, brush my teeth and these ideas just come to me and I don't know how it happens. I just go, okay, I'll do that. And that's it. And you're right, in the shower. Although I like to sing in the shower, it's my only place I like to have a little sing-along. That's good. That's feminine energy, right? That's all that feminine energy coming through. Yeah, we got to have a little sing-along, definitely. Shreece, I've loved our podcast together. I just think that it's so important to have these conversations and to understand where they come from when we're setting our goals and when we're actually moving forward for 2025. Again, I come back to what I said earlier, which is who is it that you want to be? Like, what do you, you talked about legacy earlier. What's your legacy? Who are you? What do you represent? What do you want to bring to this world? I always talk about that. What's your purpose? And I think that that's what's so important to take away from this podcast for the women and the men that listen is to really take that forward in all their 71 countries that they listen. And also, I even think to add to what you've just said there is like, you know, if you're not sure what your legacy is, you know, what's the one thing you would say to your younger self now, you know? And then that thing there will probably give you the insight to what that legacy looks like. love that. Do you know what, I don't know if you know this or not, do know what I did a year ago and I'm gonna be opening it this weekend because I haven't had time yet. I wrote myself a letter a year ago. Yeah, I literally wrote it a year ago. I gave it to mum to keep it safe. Some people do it on their laptop. I like to put pen to paper. Yeah, I have no idea what I've written in this letter but I'm gonna open it. and then I'm doing the podcast 100th episode and me and Sophie both wrote a letter. And I said to Sophie, let's bring our letters on the 100th episode because I have no idea what I wrote in them and I think it's important to share it to go look how things change. Look what we thought, look where we are now. And of course I'm gonna be writing one again on Monday, as in today, Monday for... for following year. And I wrote one for five years as well. So if you don't already write a letter to yourself, I highly recommend it. It's so therapeutic. It's beautiful. Yay. do it all the time. And I teach that too, all about the letters and you can write them for release, you can write them to call in, so pal. I love them. And Sharice, just remind us, you said that you were going to be doing a workshop or something in January. What was the workshop? so it's called Become the Iconic Leader and it's literally about creating this lasted rooted empowerment that is going to create your legacy. So everything we've been really talking about. So if you'd like to join me, I'll send you the link Athena so you can have it on there. So it's in the show notes and yeah, it's going to be an hour long. It's on Wednesday the 22nd of January. And if you can't catch it live because you're in a different country, you can watch the replay. But yeah, it's really about creating this new wave of leadership that comes from integrity and yeah, that deep rooted sense of self that is going to create that shift that we need to see throughout the world and beyond. I love that. I love that. That's so beautiful. And I, course, will put them in the show notes as well for everybody to join. So I think that's so powerful. Definitely. Therese, thank you so much for coming on today and giving us your time. I really appreciate it. I'm sure that people are going to want to get in contact with you and continue the conversation. So where can people find you? Yes, thank you so much for having me. I've loved it. So you can find me at Charisse underscore bizram on Instagram, TikTok, and I think Facebook and YouTube as well. And I also have my own podcast called permission to shine, which Athena will be on this month as well. So yay. I love it. I love it. Thank you so much also for having me on yours. And if you want to find me as always, I'm Athena Dobson, underscore official. We are Girls in Property. I've had a couple of emails actually from some of you about wanting to come on the podcast or recommending people. So keep them coming. It is girlsinpropertypod at And then the tickets and release of the April retreat is going to be announced in January. Very, very exciting. So keep your eyes peeled for the day and then tickets will go on sale. There'll be 80 tickets up for grabs. We sold out with six weeks in advance last time and I'm going to go for a lot sooner than that. Cause girls have already told me basically that they're booking. So yeah, grab your ticket. I'll speak to you soon. Have the most amazing starts to your 2025. Enjoy and I'll catch you next week. Thanks, Cherise. See later. Bye.

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