Girls In Property
Embark on a weekly journey with your host, Athena Dobson, every Monday starting at 07:00 am on the Girls in Property Podcast. Join her as she navigates the dynamic realms of property & business as a female entrepreneur with more than 5 years of experience as a landlord and now full-time property investor.
Each episode brings you engaging conversations with key players in the property and business realm, delving into the questions you're eager to have answered, even exploring tales of property mishaps!
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Girls In Property
Cheers to our 100th Episode: Celebrating Growth, Community & Big Dreams
Pop the bubbly—Girls in Property is celebrating 100 episodes! 🥂✨ Hosts Athena Dobson and Sophie Foote take a joyful trip down memory lane, reflecting on their journey, wins big and small, and the personal growth that’s come with it.
This milestone episode is packed with real talk, laughter, and behind-the-scenes stories—the late-night edits, the highs, the challenges, and the teamwork that made it all happen. Sophie shares exciting personal wins, and Athena couldn’t be prouder. They dive into the importance of celebrating progress, writing letters to past and future selves, and how vulnerability fuels growth.
Of course, there’s plenty of humor! From funny industry moments to big-picture topics like selling a business, event planning, and dreaming up future retreats, Athena and Sophie keep it real. They even chat about personal travel goals, proving success is about both hustle and joy.
Through it all, they celebrate women in property, the power of storytelling, and the magic of community over competition. As they mark 100 episodes, they look ahead with excitement—because this journey is just getting started.
This celebratory episode is packed with inspiration, motivation, and plenty of laughs so sit tight and enjoy the episode, and cheers to the next 100 episodes and being the change, we want to see.
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📧 girlsinpropertypod@gmail.com
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Disclaimer: None of the content in our podcast is intended to constitute legal or financial advice. All interviews and statements are the thoughts & opinions of the hosts and guests themselves and should be taken as such. Any information used from this podcast is done so at your own risk.
Good morning everyone and welcome to a very special episode of the Girls in Property podcast. So today, I cannot believe I'm actually saying these words. We are celebrating its 100th episode for Girls in Property. 100! Which is quite crazy actually when you think about each episode being an hour, guests, life, releasing every Monday. It's quite insane to think that. So yeah, incredibly proud. And of course I could not have anyone else other than this amazing person to celebrate the 100th episode with me. So I'd love to introduce for the thousandth time ever Sophie Foote. Hey, Soph. Thank you. I wonder if people knew it was you just by your woo. They're like, they know her woo. Yeah, I love it. 100 episode. Yeah, that's massive. When did the first one come out? so I know this, right? So January 15th, 2023 was the release of the first ever Girls and Property podcast episode. And if you think about that, that, mean, that's this month, right? Literally January. Insane, absolutely insane. So the podcast has been running for two years and it's been released every single week for the last two years. And if you think about that, just... time, the commitment to it. I mean, it is insane when you think about it. it is a lot of time because the recording bit is really fun, but then you need to get someone to edit it, upload it, promote it, put it on the socials, do all the tech stuff. It's a lot of work. Yeah, it's a lot of work. And the thing is, I think what a lot of people see is kind of the recording and then the podcast, but it's like, yeah, but there's all the other steps behind that. So yeah, so in this episode, really, I just pressed record and was like, hey, let's press record and see what comes out. Because it's, let's reminisce, because today's all about celebrating and it's all about as if me and you were sat in either one of our kitchens catching up, seeing how we are. Because the last time you came on the podcast, the podcast and just, you we used to host it with me. So much has changed for you as well. And I would love to just chat to you about that today and just get you going. So I'm actually not gonna do an intro to you, if that's okay, because one, I feel like the listeners can go back and listen to the episodes where you introduce yourself. But really, really just briefly, just say what you're doing at this moment, where you're up to, and then say about something that maybe you're celebrating at the moment so that we could celebrate. hundred celebration yay! There's gonna be lots of wooing in this. Woohoo! Okay, I'm Sophie, I'm Athena's best friend. That's really good to know. I'm celebrating, recently we took on 10 HMOs at once. We signed the biggest deal I've ever signed, which was two years in the making. So that's all in progress, very exciting. And I've just bought a house. you have. house ever in Dorset in Swanage, which is really exciting. So yeah, very happy we just set it in. Yeah. I mean, are you recording from your new house right now? yeah, I've got this view of the hills in front of me. It's lovely. Yeah. mean, you know how proud I am of you, but just to say one more time, like the reason I'm so proud of you is because you are a business owner, you're self-employed and you have managed to work your bloody ass off, Soph, through all of these years, go through everything you've been through and then be able to show your affordability to the lenders through your books, then go and buy your own house. That is so difficult to do. Like so difficult because you're always weighing up this, I mean, I'm certainly always weighing up, know, do I actually wanna look more profitable so that I can get a mortgage or do I actually wanna look like I'm not earning as much so that I don't get taxed as much? And there's this real sort of seesaw in that, isn't there? Yeah, it's really tough when you're running a business. And it's, yeah, I can't believe it's like, I'm in my late thirties and I'm buying my first house, but I've lived all around the world. I've rented, we've moved like eight times in the last five years. And now I feel, I suddenly feel a bit settled. But I also might leave for a year in September and travel around the world with my kids. So a bit settled, but I'll always have it to feed. oh my God, you said this to me when we were out for lunch the other day and you're like, so I might leave and I was like, what? I was like, you can't leave me. What are you talking about? Oh, I will, you know I will because travel's part of our blood, isn't it? It's who we are and I would love to do that. mean, I always talked to Steve actually about just getting up and going like. I'm quite fortunate, you we don't have kids at the moment. Still trying to get the bloody dog. And I'm like, what's holding us back? Like we have no responsibility. Let's just get up and go. That's something I really want to do. and the best thing to do is build a business that can work without us eventually. And you know how social media just listens to you and starts putting things in front of your face that you may have mentioned? I'm now getting all these like, world schooling families that have like really left for good. And they're like, we're in Bali and we're meeting other world schooling families and... kids are all off doing this and the dads are doing this and yeah it's really it's really fun. I'm actually having a guest on the podcast soon who actually lives abroad, works on her business and raises a family. I think she's over in Thailand at the moment. So I'm actually getting someone on to prove that you can actually work from anywhere in the world and she is a digital nomad. So I'm really excited about actually getting her on the podcast and showing others that you can do this. So good for you. Yay. I know, I know. And then what am I celebrating at the moment? I'm celebrating the fact that of course I'm going to be hosting the annual Girls and Property Retreat once again. That's going to be on Friday 25th of April. So really excited about that. Really excited. You're of course going to be there by my side. And I've got some amazing speakers. I've got some fantastic speakers. And I tell you what I'm actually celebrating is it's taken me bit of time to get here, I think. But now when I ask people, would you like to come on the podcast? you know some quite high up names would you like to come on the podcast or would you like to speak at my event? People are like straight away yes 100 % yes I'm in yes I'm there and I'm like am I now in this position where I can ask people who before maybe I would have been too shy to ask because you know I think they're a big deal or I think that they're you know this whole idea of imposter syndrome and actually now I'm over that and I'm like they're almost a friend and I'm like hey girl want to speak at the event and they're like hell yeah yeah, yeah, it's a great community. It's great platform. It's great black brand. So yeah, of course they do. It's not brand. It is though. It's a brand that you've built, that we all started together and it's just so beautifully built. And you've grown as a host, as a facilitator, as a community leader. So yeah, people are seeing that and they're like, yeah, I wanna come in. I wanna move up there. I love that. Do you know what I thinking the other day? When it was the four of us, it was me, you, Julia and Simon. And I remember you were the main host at the beginning. And I remember Simon saying to me and Julia, actually, he was like, do you guys ever fancy hosting an episode? And obviously you said that as well. And I remember there was a time where I was like, oh no, I don't want to do that. I didn't want to host. No, no, no, no, no. I was like, no, I just want to be here. I'll just come along. I'll just, you know, just enjoy myself. And like, I remember doing my first ever hosted episode. Who was it for? It was on a zoom. And I want to say it was for Nikki and Steph Taylor rent to rent who are coming back on the podcast again. And I was like, terrified. I was terrified. I was like, am I asking the right questions? Are people going to judge me? And now I literally just press record. And I, the other day did like an hour, 15 minute ridiculous. episode on my own speaking to myself on a camera that I then release to the world. That's, that's mad! Yeah, and a lot of people don't like doing video. They feel nervous. People might judge, people might have opinions. So there's a lot to deal with and get over. But yeah, it's brilliant. It's a beautiful podcast. I think people really love it. Thank you. Do you know who I'm watching at the moment and loving her podcast? And I might even dare I say try her audio book, know, Mamie and books have a fearful relationship, is the Mel Robbins podcast. I really like, I love Mel. And this whole idea of let them, I'm here for it. I'm like, I'm gonna put this on social media because why not? And it's like I put up my social media post a couple of weeks ago about writing my letter. The fact that I admit on it, know the fact that I I mean so I okay We're come on to talk about our letters, right? Just to let you know so when I released my solo episode a couple of weeks ago where I Did all about the six things I'd wish I'd known when I started out in property and the reason I did the the episode was because I get so many messages from newbies like where do I start how do I start and I thought right this episode is dedicated to people trying to start their journey and what I wish I didn't know when I started it really real really authentic and just the highs and lows of what what happened to me. Anyway, I read my letter out on the podcast, right? Thinking I can do this. I can do this. I can read this out. I can be brave. Anyway, completely crumble on this podcast episode crying. And I thought I'm gonna have to rerecord this. And I didn't, went, it. Cause there might be someone else out there who thinks there is no way I can go on camera because I'm not confident enough. I don't have the right thing. And I'm here to tell you that if I can come on, cry and still carry on doing my podcast then so can you. And I think that's why we started it wasn't it? It was to encourage everyone, not just women but you know women because it's girls and property, into this space and to feel that they can be anything they want to be really. Yeah, definitely. And I think you've worked your way up to it from being nervous to even do a bit of hosting to then hosting and learning that skill and then realizing like the more vulnerable I am, like I can overshare a bit and I can go deep if I want to. And people are still listening, are still supporting and loving it even more because I'm just being me. That's what you can that's all you can be. So speaking of letter safe, I asked you to bring your letter with you today, didn't I? yes, I have. Mine is an email. Also, I thought this was a stupid idea. You did, okay, let's talk about this. This is important, let's talk about this, right? Because some people, like me, are really into this idea of like, I wanna write a letter to myself, it's really important the words that I say. I mean, it even brought tears to my eyes. So clearly it means something to me. You, when we were talking about doing this in the first place a year ago, you were like, this is a stupid idea, I'm not doing this. I was just like, why? Why write a letter to yourself? Why not just write a list of things and then maybe come back to it? But it is really cute, actually. And looking back on it, like I wish I'd gone into more detail. And I've done it. I've now done it again, because you're like, we're doing this every year. And I'm like, yeah. And my goals for this year are quite clear. Like, I know exactly what I want to do this year. So the letter or the email I've written this year. has got a list of all those things so can go back and be like what did I do? But the letter that I'm gonna read was just a kind of like so what what am I doing? Have I thought about this? I done that? what? I want you to read this out word for word, because I bet it's so different to mine. Go on. not very long, it's three paragraphs. Okay, shall I just read it out? Alright, Dear Future Me. Because that's... on That's what the email thing is called. So anyone can go now to future me probably.com and they just do it for free. They're like, right. And write an email, tell us when you want it. Do you want it in six months? Do you want it in a year? And I know you'd like your nicely written letters, but of course I was just like, stick it in an email. Dear future me, if January the eighth, 2024. Um, and I'm in metrics, just met David for a catch up. Who's my lettings manager. Who's who we love. We have 15 HMOs in Southampton and two in Bournemouth. Living in Swanage, totally confused as to mortgages. Stereoed, because we'd seen this house and we were like, shall we buy it? It was really old and bad and had structural issues, so I'm glad we didn't. No dog. My daughter has just turned seven. This year, I want to start world of good and spread positivity. So that was an idea I had for a positivity podcast called World of Good, where I just speak to people living amazing lives and how we can be better. Haven't done that. Take the kids on a big adventure. Get a dog or share a dog with mom and dad. Get a house or just go and travel the world with the family. Cash flow is good. I've started trading early days, 1.8 % in December so far. I'm proud of my progress so far, but not sure what I should do with the business. Do I sell? Do I grow something new? Make an impact on the world. Happy 2025. That's it. That's it. No. Okay. To the point. Yeah. No dog. that, yeah, but if you think about it, you have got Shanti the dog that you share with your parents. You now own your own house. You did go on a big adventure, which was Indonesia. You have grown the HMO rent-to-rent business to no end, which we'll go into more detail on. And you... have made such a positive impact on the world and you do such good and you're now doing this massive thing with trading. So actually, if you look at the letter, yeah, you can see how far you've come, which is the purpose of the letter. yeah, that is a very, very good thing about the letter. And if people are tempted, I would say go into detail, even if you're like me and just like summarises, no dog, want this, start a podcast, go into loads of detail. And then it's really interesting, which was quite detailed. Yes, Sophie, it's me. Five pages long. Funny that you should say now that you are advising other people to go into more detail. That's quite funny that you're doing that. You're like, actually, do you know what? Go into more detail. yeah, yeah, because you want to really remember the feelings you had and the situation you were in and like, how was I actually feeling about what I'd achieved that year and what I'm looking forward to or hoping to achieve. So I'm not gonna read my letter out because one, on social media you can actually find a copy of my letter if you go through both Girls and Property and Athena Dobson Official, I actually post the letter on my socials as sort of an encouragement for others to do the same. And I actually read this out and cried my eyes out on my solo episode. So if you wanna hear me read it and cry, then by all means. But I will just say this though, like, okay, I'm gonna show you on camera, cause I know you can see it, my letter, see? beautiful. page, nice paragraphs, written like a story. But what I did write in this, and you're absolutely right with what you said. So obviously I talk about goals and I talk about how did the retreats go. I even say like, is mum in her new home yet? And I even ask that sort of question. I obviously say, my God, what's the dog called? There is no dog. The dog is still coming. But you're right. One of the things that I think really hit home to me and obviously what made me so emotional was when I literally say this paragraph and... I won't cry, don't worry, I'll be okay. I'll be okay now. But I literally write like, I can do this, I can do this. I write, my greatest hope when you read this letter is that you let go of perfectionism and know that everything that happened this year meant to happen. If it was meant for you, it wouldn't have passed you by. And then at the end, I write to myself, 2024 could easily be the greatest year of your life, but don't get so busy making a living that you forget to make a life. Athena, life is so short. Go and live it. Awwww. Like this is why I get emotional. This is why I got emotional. You know, at the end I say, look what you did in a year. I can't imagine what we can do into stay focused, concentrate on yourself, walking a straight line to it. You can do this, Athena. Yeah. is, did you drop the perfectionism? Did you manage to live your life? Do you know what? I think that's what actually makes me, made me the most emotional is because I really think about where I was when I wrote that letter and where I was emotionally when I wrote that letter. And I think about where I am now and I'm in such a healthier place. I really am. You know, I now go to the gym quite a lot, which is so important for me. just moving your body is so important. And I think that I am in such a healthier place. I don't think I have let go of perfectionism, but then I get Sunella on the podcast when we do a whole episode around perfectionism. And even what I thought I thought was perfectionism isn't what perfectionism is. So if you ever want to talk about that, go and listen to Sunella's podcast on that one on girls and property. was a fantastic episode. But yeah, it's a journey, isn't it, Soph? Like, you know, we're never going to be at the end of our road, at the end of our journey, but we can be. we can be great. But now when you message me and you're like, should we go for lunch on a Friday afternoon? I'm not like, let me just check my list of a thousand things that I have to do. I'm now like, yes, absolutely. Yes. Come pick me up. I haven't got my car at the moment. Yes, let's go. Yeah. So, so that's why I was emotional on mine because I think I really speak to me and I think I really remember the girl that wrote the letter. And I think that I'm emotional for her, if that makes sense. Yeah. So you're in another one? yeah, 100%, do you know what? I'm, yes, yes, I'm writing another one. I wrote one for five years time as well, about four years ago now. So that will be opened in 2028. But yes, me and you are both writing a letter every single year and we are gonna read them out. That's what we're gonna do and inspire others to do the same. Yay. gives you, it gives you a nice setup for your year, like a bit of a vision and a strategy maybe. And it's just nice to look back on, isn't it? Yeah. So, Sophie, tell me, we spoke about this the other day, but I'd love to know more detail. Talk to me about kind of you and where you're looking to now go for this year. Like, if you were like, this is what I want to achieve, this is the direction I want to go. What is it you really think you want to do? Well, last year was really busy. The business grew a lot. We did this massive deal. I was just doing so many different things. And this year I want to simplify everything and I want to just have fun. Like I'm in a good place. We're selling the business. So we built it up really well. It's got a decent value. So we're to be selling the business in the first half of the year. And then just investing that in our own property. So buy to let, BRRRs, HMOs, we shall see, whatever comes up. So just building that solid portfolio. Doing more trading stuff. So I started with Star Trading over a year ago. And yeah, a year ago, I'd just done a of trading and got nearly 2 % of my account. Now my best month was probably 8%. which with property or with the stock market you could do in a year. So 8 % in a month was really good. I'm averaging about 4 to 5 % in a month. I'm now mentoring for them and just, they are growing hugely. So I'm going to be part of the star trading growth by just helping more people learn how to trade, which is really exciting because Lewis has developed this thing that you can just. start learning, be really well supported, enter this really friendly community and you can really, really do well through it. It's all a proven method now really. So yeah, get a bit more involved in that, do a bit more speaking and presenting and yeah, just help people invest, help people learn. Yeah, I love that. And what about in terms of, you know, your singing and community and things like that, what do you want to do? you want to know all the plans? Where's my notebook? Yes. So right, I've got my piece of paper now. So professional goals, sell the business, buy four properties and probably take on 12 more mentoring clients. What else have I put? Personal goals are sing a lot because it brings me so much joy. My choir, I sing every Tuesday. And then we perform quite a lot actually and do our big winter show in the winter. just on that, should we tell everyone what happened when we went for lunch a couple of weeks ago together and we were driving back? Do you wanna tell them? What were we singing? Well, obviously we put Wicked on because, my goodness, I'm still not over watching that. And we just sang, we did Defying Gravity. We did, were literally, Sophie was literally driving the car. We put the, like the, not a CD, that's like the stereo. How old am I? Yeah, the soundtrack, the stereo, like how old am I? The soundtrack on. And we literally just sang at the top of our lungs, didn't we? We were like, screw it, let's just go for it. And we were listening to Cynthia, who obviously is Alphabar and Wicked, and we were like, yes, we can do this. And then we were coming up to my house and you're like, you're not getting out the car until the song finishes. You've got to stay till the end! would never have got out of the car without finishing that song, ever. Yeah, so singing, I know you absolutely love and I loved coming to watch you come and sing at the Mayflower. Like honestly, I tears in my eyes. I was just like, my God, she's just up there doing her thing. Like a proud friend. Yeah, you do. every week. Even if you're not good at it, like if it's painting, if it's knitting, if it's anything that you enjoy, just do it, even if it's a bit shit, just do it. Just do it for fun. Yeah. Yeah. you know what I find quite therapeutic actually is at the moment is like painting, but really basic, like really basic. So for example, I don't wanna think. So I wanna do a painting by numbers, nice and easy, or I wanna go to pottery and painting and I wanna sit and I wanna paint a thing. And I've done a, my God, yes, I go all, like, so I've made, I made a snowman, I made a Santa. I made a fish. I don't know why I decided to make a fish but I did. Can we please go and do that? It's really therapeutic. I just want to sit and paint. Okay, right, there we go. That's in the diary. I mean, this could be the next event, like Network and Paint a Pot. Chili. She's like, no, it's just something I like to do on my own. Thank you. Yeah. and I just, I almost go into a trance where I just sit in pain and it's, yeah, really nice. Really, really, really like that. okay, so you're gonna sing, you're gonna do things that you love. What about community? do you, like, that, singing your community? Yeah, well, I now live in Swanage and like I've been a traveller and an adventurer for very long time, so I'm not used to settling. I'm used to being like, OK, where's the next place? I'll make some friends here, but we're going to move on. But now I'm here. I'm like, OK, shall I join rowing? Shall I join singing? Shall I join a quiet like? Yeah, I want to get into the community, but I've got some ideas because we're next to the sea. We've got seahorses. We've got seagrass. We've got snorkeling and stuff so yeah we'll see. It's perfect for you. It's the perfect place for you to be, know, absolutely. And then quick question, just going back to the selling of the business as it were. So what, I'm really curious about this. What made you think now is the time to sell? Like you built it up, you've been doing it for so long, why now? Well, I think I've done this before. So like in Indonesia, we built the business from nothing, made it into a really thriving business. And we were like, okay, we've done that work. We've done all the creative stuff. Like, I think I just like building things and problem solving and figuring it out. And now it's running. You're like, okay, what's the next challenge? You know, you can see it's like flipping houses. It's like flipping a business basically. So yeah, this one we've built up over three years. It's now got 29 HMOs in it. Nice long contracts so you can see the revenue coming in in the future. It's got a good value and now we've moved to Dorset as well which makes it a little bit harder to get there. Yeah, we're just ready for the next challenge and I don't want to manage property anymore. I want someone else to do it for me. Yes, yes. I mean, if you go back and you think about the life and the story of when, you know, with all your management things, and mine as well, like, what would you say was your... Like, your... Well let's start with, what was your funniest one would you say? Like, if we were to think about going back through all the property disasters that we would do on this podcast, like what was your creme de la creme where you managed a room, a tenon, anything and you were just like, what the hell is this? Honestly, like what is this? What are we doing here? But in like a really funny way. one that comes to mind is a secret cat. So someone on the ground floor of the HMO was like, someone's throwing cat poo out of the window. Why? We were like, what? And he was like, well, it's in a bag. But yeah, someone keeps throwing cat poo out of the window. And we, so we asked the person and they were like, oh yeah, I know I was looking after a cat for a little while, but it's definitely gone now. And we had to kind of like investigate the secret cat and make sure it was gone. But yeah, that was a way of looking to get. the cat gone? Eventually, yeah, but they definitely had a cat. and they thought the best idea to get rid of the poo was to throw the cat poo out of the window. I get up and then just doesn't exist anymore. I some people like I love these stories because I think about people. I always think about, what do people do? How do people think? And that's brilliant. Like, I love that. Do you remember when I tell the story about when I had the service accommodation unit and we had all of our luxury bedding and then somebody came and switched out all of their standard bedding for our bedding? Do you remember that? And like, I remember thinking it was genius. Like. Like they literally came to the apartment, stayed, knew exactly the correct bed linen to bring to switch it over to then take all of our bedding and leave theirs. Like I remember thinking that that was genius. I was like, that's very clever. Do they then sell it? Like, do they just have really nice furniture that they've swapped every time they stay somewhere? Yeah, I think people are fascinating just as human beings. I always say like, if I was gonna go back and do life again, I'd love to do psychology and like really learn about, I mean, can still do, I can do a master's in psychology, you know, and I'd learned a lot from marketing and consumer behavior, but like, I just like learning about people. People interest me. Yeah, like literally. And then I think if I was gonna think about the... like the podcast and the podcast goals for this year and kind of where it's going. mean, I did, I don't know if you, if you ever see this, you always seen like a Spotify rap, like at the end of the year. So I got through the girls and property Spotify rap and it was like this year alone for 2024, had like 17.1 thousand downloads for 71 countries this year, 71 countries, I think it was 46 episodes. I should add it in front of me, 46 episodes. And I was just like, wow. And when I then looked at the overall stats for the actual podcast, you know, at the moment I'm on close to 36,000 downloads in two and a half years. I wasn't mad. Like we always sit and think to ourselves, like, okay, I'm going to press record. I'm going to put it out there, but I have no idea who's listening to this. Not a clue. I don't know who is even interested in this and why they'd be interested in it. That's literally what I feel. when I put it out and they do, they do listen. And so I wanna keep doing more events. I love doing events. Events are so amazing. Yeah, but. love doing events apart from the week before the event and you're just like Sophie why am I doing this I'm never doing another event No, honestly, honestly like okay a really good event, like you really do. And no one can, apart from event managers, I'm gonna call them, who put events on, no one can understand the stress of putting on an event for the quantity of people. Like, it is something else, it really, really is. the quantity, but it's also the quality. Because you could just be like, I'll book a hotel conference room, I'll give people the day and we'll do, we'll get a whiteboard or whatever. But that's not what you do. And that's why it's so much work because you do details and plans and you get really good speakers. And yeah, that's why. Yeah. put on a show. I'm like, come, come to the show. Yeah, absolutely. And I know you couldn't make the gala, which I was mortified about because you were singing. was singing my annual winter show and you were like, why? Why would you do that? Yeah. I know I should have checked with you that you could have made the date. But yeah, you will be. But like, there is something different, isn't there? is something special about being in the room. And what I think that I love the most about girls and property particularly, and I've always said this is with this business, what I think works best with it is that I don't dictate what I think the business needs. I check with the girls what they need and then I go and build it. And I think that's what's so important is when saying to them, do you need this? Is this what you need? And they'll either say yes or no. So for example, I actually tried to build something just before, kind of towards the end of Christmas, beginning of January, because I thought it'd be a really good, nice idea, but only for a really small group of a handful of them. And to be fair, with everything that was happening at the time, the timing just wasn't right. you know, the people that I wanted to get involved with it, they were like, it's just not the right time. It's just not the right time. And rather than me trying to push for it to make it happen or feeling like I was failing because I couldn't make it happen, where I feel I've grown as I sort of stepped back and I went, do you know what? That's fine. It just isn't, isn't the right time. It doesn't mean it's not going to happen. It means now is not the right time. So what I love then doing is going back to the girls and saying, right, what do you need? Like when I finished the retreat, for example, I was saying to the girls, what do you require next? And they were like, we need a community. So I built the community. Then I'm now saying, what do you need from me? And they're like, we'd love to do days where maybe there's a one day strategy day and then a one day event on just social media, a one day event on AI, a one day event on marketing, whatever it may be. And so now I'm thinking to myself, when I do smaller events, which I want to do throughout the year, maybe in different quarters, I can really think about maybe topics that the girls want to do and just do a full day on that and get the right speakers in the room. myself to really then say to the girls okay let's talk about this and I'm thinking much smaller I'm thinking maybe like 20 women 20 30 women but I really love the idea of doing that I doubt there's gonna be a gala like I'm almost certain there's no gala at the end of the year that was hell on earth I loved it I mean I loved every second it was my beautiful evening but the planning for that was ludicrous but something I am thinking about for 2026 it won't be this year but it will be potentially for next year, is I would love to potentially take a few women away abroad for maybe a two, three night girls and property overseas retreat, I think. And I think 2026 is the right time to do that, because I need to speak to the right people. I need to try and plan it so that I get the right, the right feeling of what I want for, because lots of people are doing this at the moment and I'm like, how do I want mine to look? Like, what is it that I think is important for the women? So 2026, watch this space. I think that that will be coming. But yeah, for this year, just lots more to do with the community, lots more to do with the events. Get really, really important sponsorship for girls and property as well. Like, I think what I'm learning is who do I really feel in the industry is doing incredible things and who do I want to partner with and make that really important to what the girls require. Mm. example, just putting it out there, because you never know who's listening to this. With the podcast sponsorship, I'm basically looking for, or already found a couple of sponsors for this, but the divisions are a broker who, when this episode comes out, it might have already been announced by this time actually, which is really exciting. A solicitor, so if you're a female solicitor wanting to have a conversation and partner with girls and property, then give me a shout. an accountant, I would love this to be a female, but like a property tax accountant would be amazing. And then somebody within the tech world, so some sort of tech platform, maybe a management software, something like that. But I think if I can get a broker, accountant, solicitor in tech, that is what the girls tend to need the most of when they're speaking within the community or anything. And I think if I can get the right people and the right power team together for them, then... I just know that that would really take off. So I'm going to put out to the universe. That's what I'm hoping for. Yay. But it's more than that. It's more about partnership. It's more about kind of like saying, we see a different way to run this industry. We see a different way to go forward. And that's, that's how I see it. It's not just, it's not just an advert. It's not just sponsorship. It's genuine partnership of putting the right people in front of them at the right time. So yeah, should be, should be quite good. I know. And then what about holidays for you? Where are you going on holiday? Well, we've bought a house so we don't have any money now. But, so we went back to Indonesia last year for two weeks, took the kids to see where they were born. They absolutely loved it. I took my son diving for the first time. So special. So I want to get him qualified this year. So we think Egypt would be a good place. Egypt in the summer. Don't even, I know that you've just had an amazing holiday in Egypt. Yes, yes. Well, to be fair, I love Egypt. So funny enough, where I did my open water diving certificate, my PADI certificate was Egypt. So mum took me and my brother out there and we were quite young actually. We were like 11, 12, like young. And it's some of the best diving I've ever done in the entire world. And I've done the Great Barrier Reef and it was definitely better than the Great Barrier Reef. You don't need to go all that way over to Australia to go scuba diving. You can literally go to Egypt and have it. And just good weather, good food. In the summer holidays, it's gonna be really hot by the way. You do know that. Like, yeah, that's true. And to be fair, you, know, your skin, it must be so used to literally the sunshine. I know I stay out the sun. I don't go in the sun. No, I'm just like, nope, nope, nope. Shade me, yeah. I know, you've got it in your blood though. Well, otherwise people don't believe that I'm half Greek. They're like, you're too pale to be half Greek. I'm like, I live in the UK where there is no sunshine. Like, what do want me to do? Hence why I have to go away all the time just to try and get some like tan on me. Exactly. But it's just mad. so if we, I'm just trying to think about celebrating this episode and what I really want to get out of it. I'm just trying to think, just as we were speaking then, if we was think about maybe listeners who are new to the podcast, who maybe have only picked it up, say three weeks ago, four weeks ago, and so they only know kind of how the podcast is now, the structure of it, what it looks like, everything. I want... back, don't go back to the start. We were like, hello, how are you? What's your name? Oh god. to the very beginning of, because I tell you why, I tell you why I want to do this. Have you noticed, because I've definitely noticed obviously, that there are lots of people now starting to podcast? Yeah, so I actually am thinking this is also one of the things I'd love to do for Girls and Property is maybe do a day around anyone who wants to start a podcast and talk to them. I'd love to do that with them. Love to. got so many tips I'd love to give them for that. But I'm seeing a lot of people starting a podcast and as we know, they're starting a podcast, then there's running the podcast and then there's remaining consistent with the podcast and keeping it going. Huge, right? Huge responsibility. You don't really make any money at the beginning. It's your time. You literally give everything to not receive very much. And then you grow it from there. So if we think about where we first started, I'm talking like going all the way back to old Bond store, when we were in that, like we'd rent out underground, we were underground, we'd rent out a little room and remind the listeners what would happen like when we'd be trying to record in the audio and stuff. well they were supposed to be kind of soundproof meeting rooms but there were chairs upstairs which would clunk and we'd hear it wouldn't we? Simon who was doing the the audio for the podcast at the time his face every single time he heard a chair move he was like my god stop moving the chairs he's like right pause do it again and we would literally just talk about anything wouldn't we we would come on we'd be like how was your day how are you you know we did chat, us. Julia was an amazing part of the podcast when it started as well. Simon produced like the first maybe 100 episodes. I don't know. He did the first year anyway. So they were a vital part of the team. And yeah, we, we then had a little pod in the library, didn't we? Cause that was quieter. That was fun. Yeah. little pod, and we were just like, right, this is what we're gonna do. This is how we're gonna do. And if we go even further back from then, because again, a lot of listeners don't know the story of it, and sometimes I get asked questions about it, is how this all came about. And we actually went back again, didn't we? It was born, me and you sat at the, of course, at the Ivy, it sounds very bougie, at the Ivy in Winchester. Yes. Yeah. we were there. And recently we went back there, didn't we? Because Kim McGinley was doing like a strategy day and me and you both went and I said, my God, Sophie, that's the table. I was like, that's the exact table we sat at two and a bit years ago on my birthday. It must've been September, 2022, it must've been. And you were like, let's start a podcast. got an idea. That's by the way, that's Sophie's famous line. I've got an idea and I sit there and I go, okay What's this idea? Yeah, I got an idea. We should do a podcast. And then we did. Yeah. And that is literally how it started. Well, first of all, before that, I did laugh in your face before that. And I was like, no, Sophie, nobody wants to listen to us. Nobody, nobody cares about us. But you're like, no, I really believe that there is something here. And so I just, I just want everyone to think if you have an idea, go for it. Like go for it. when I was having that idea, when you step into property, it is really male dominated. Like most of the coaches, trainers, mentors, people on social media are just all these men, which is absolutely fine. And they should be celebrated. There are good ones. There are bad ones. but it's, totally male dominated. and then you get into it and we found each other. And we found other girls and, and, and we built this podcast and then you realize how amazing women are in property. And actually now my property network is female and I'm like, there's loads of women in the property industry and they are doing incredible things. Like we could name drop lots. You've had loads of them on the podcast, but there's this huge amount of women in the property industry. It's still probably. massive percentage of men, it's still very much male dominated, but what you've done is you've brought all these women together, you've shone a light on them and that was the aim, wasn't it? That was girls in property, like we're here, we're going to make our mark, we are special, we have superpowers, we can do stuff the men aren't doing, there's space for us and we're going to make this space and celebrate it. Yeah, beautifully said, that's exactly it. And do know, it still surprises me, and I don't know why it surprises me, how many women there are in the property sector. know, let's call it property, finance, construction, like whatever it is, they're there. And I see them all the time. And do you know what? Anytime I think to myself, I think I know the majority now of women in property because of the podcast and because of it, there's more that come. And I'm like, ah, there's more of you, welcome. You know, and then they might, I might see them say, follow the podcast or follow me. And I'm like, who's this person? Then I'll go and check them out. Cause I'm so interested in like their story because like, so if we know right, and the listeners will know this, if you choose first of all, to become a business owner, that's one thing. If you should choose to become a business owner and property investor, that's a whole nother league. And so you must have something in you that made you choose to take this path. And so that's why I'm always fascinated to get to know. these women because they've all got stories. Like each person has a story and here's one for you actually I'm gonna ask you a question that I haven't asked you yet and I've been waiting to ask you on this podcast because it's linked to this it's linked to this this conversation. I always look cheeky and mysterious. No Sam Cooke asked me this question on his podcast and then I asked it to Sharice on her podcast and because I know you and I know your personality, I'm interested in what you think about this in your opinion. Sam Cooke said to me, he's like, do you think that entrepreneurs are born through trauma? Cool. Mmm. no. Yeah, now this is really, this is why I wanted to ask you this question. Just pause a second. So Sam believes the answer's yes. Charisse believes the answer's yes. I believe that the answer is ish yes, yes. But you immediately said no. And if someone said to me, what do you think Sophie's answer's gonna be to this? I'd go, she'd say no. So tell me why you think no. Because I'm an entrepreneur and I haven't experienced trauma. So for me, no. But I think the point of what that question is trying to say is, where does the drive come from? Because if you're an entrepreneur, there's no one there to motivate you. There's no one there to push you. You've taken a leap from a secure job, probably, to the unknown and the uncertain. Why would you do that? Why would you? and you need the drive to keep going and keep going and keep going. So what do these people have? Is it trauma? Is it something that's happened that's made you have that motivation? And I don't know enough about trauma to answer that. So I can only answer for me and my experience. And my experience is, I think at school I was like a bit of a high achiever. Like I went to a grammar school. And we were all told like, can do this, you can be the best, you can go to all these Oxford universities and you need to get your A's you, and we're all pushed and pushed. And I saw my school friends for dinner the other day and I said to one of them like, why are we like this? And she was like, yeah, cause she's a really high up corporate person now. And she's like, my next thing would be a promotion, but why do I want that promotion? Like, is this enough for me and why isn't it? And we were just going through all these thoughts of... Why do we need to push ourselves so high? And I think you should ask everyone this question, like, what gives you your drive? What makes you keep going? And for me, I like a challenge. think that's why I want to sell the business, because I've learned so much. It's not a novelty anymore. I'm like, yeah, that's good. It's all ticking over. Next! So I like the challenge. I like the novelty. I like building things and seeing them. I like helping people do that as well. But very interesting question, very good question. is, isn't it? And Sam just threw this question at me, like out of nowhere. And I went, my God, like, and even after the podcast, I've been clearly thinking about it quite a lot. And I love what you said actually, which is, so this notion of trauma, like what defines trauma? Are we even in a position where we can even say what trauma is? But the way I look at it is, is that everyone has been through something in their life, whatever it may be. Like I remember yours was when you were trying to, you were like looking at different franchises or things or like, One of them didn't treat you very well and then you wanted it, which was like a tutoring thing, I remember, is that right? Yeah, a tutoring thing. So you've kind of gone through your own, it doesn't have to be trauma, but you've gone through your own way of that didn't work, that didn't work, so that leads me to this. But I think that at some point, nearly everybody, and if you haven't then, you know, God bless you and that's amazing. But I think nearly everyone has gone through some form of. something happened to them in their life that created a little bit of trauma that then made them feel like I have to rely on myself. This is what I have to do basically. But you're right, I'm really interested in it. I want to talk to a psychologist about this, about the notion of, it because we're high achievers? Like I was a high achiever at school. I always felt like I was proving myself because I was bullied at school. And so you always feel you're proving yourself to so many people, both family and friends in your life. And you're always like, I have to be better. I have to be better. And then you end up then being in a position where these people who then say to you, don't need to prove anything to me, like that still isn't good enough because then you still keep going and you're like, well, if I'm not proving it to you, am I actually proving it to myself? And why am I proving it to myself? What's the psychology behind that? So it's quite deep and I appreciate I'm going a bit deep, but at the same time, it's interesting. I'm so interested in it. I would love to do it. I think I'd learn a lot about me if I did it, you know? And I think I'm in a position now where I'm in quite a solid position mentally where I am now. Like we saw each other the other day, didn't we? And we both said to each other, like, this is so nice. Like we're both just really calm, really chilled. We have a sing-along. Like it's quite nice. And I think I'm in a position now where I'm really interested to talk to somebody and go, I want to learn more about me and kind of the way I think from a healthy perspective of how can I use this to take this forward. So yeah, Sam asked me a really interesting one and then I asked it to Sharice who had a completely different answer to you, which I knew she would. And then yeah, and then my own thoughts. So this notion of entrepreneurship is really interesting. And I feel like when you meet people who are entrepreneurs, it's such an interesting conversation. Which is why, Sophie, you know when you go networking, right? You know these networking events and some people come up to you and their first questions are like, how many properties do you have? Do you manage properties? Do you use source properties? I'm like, this is so boring because who's actually stood in front of me as an entrepreneur who has a story to share, let's talk about that. I don't care how many properties you've got. How did you even get to this room? Like, who are you? I always find that bit to be the most interesting. Like for example, you know when you walk into a room and people don't know you and you can say that you've got all of these HMOs, which is a fantastic achievement. Or you can also be like, I went to Indonesia, I bought a beach and I built a dive resort. What do you want to talk about? I'm talking to you about the dive resorts. Like how interesting is that? That's how you start your presentation to grip people because it's a story. It's interesting. Yeah. So many interesting points. Like someone said on a podcast the other day, like when people like they're about secondary messaging and how important it is. So saying your primary messaging is, this is my business. This is what we do. But if someone was looking for, for example, you and I both do a bit of mentoring, right? They're looking for a mentor. it's your secondary messaging that will help them choose. So, And it's so my secondary messaging is, yeah, I bought a beach in Indonesia. I love the beach. I love the sea. I sing. I live in Dorset. Look at some hills. My tribe and my vibe will be attracted to that. Whereas other people might be like, well, I need a whole community. Like Athena's got this entire host of contacts and power teams and, and she loves travel and she's just amazing and they'll be attracted to you for that. So that was an interesting thing that I heard. But the other thing to remember is I don't know what percentage of people are entrepreneurs, but it's a minority. So most people are in a job. So we're all different just because we have stepped back from that security blanket of a monthly paycheck to take that risk and take that leap. So we're already in this weird little group. I don't know what my point is, but that just hit me. but you're right. It is, you're in this small little group and then we even niche down from that small little group into property. That property group then gets niched down into women. So it's tiny, but then there's so many of us. So it's just when you're thinking about the greater as it were. So, Sophie, if you were to think about then this podcast and you were to think about all the listeners from, let's say, By the way, I do still get people who message me to say, I've just started the podcast. I'm starting from the beginning and I'm going to make my way through it. And I'm like, Jesus. I'm like, Jesus, man. I'm like, don't judge it. I'm like, you know, it's, it's a bit different at the beginning, but they do, they listen from the beginning and they go all the way to the end. Not going to lie. Sometimes I do tell them to go and reverse order. I'm like, maybe start the other way around, but that's fine. Like, what would you say from people who have heard you from the first episode that ever went out for Girls and Property to now and kind of advice you would give or just like speaking to them if you could give a message to them on this podcast? that's deep. Welcome. Welcome to the best girls and property community out there. Go and the community immediately and message us and we will all be best friends. Because you do know everyone in the community, don't you? They're not just a group of girls like you know them all, which is... Yeah. They were like, you know, like when you do your retreats when you do your gala, they were like, if we were to put you on the spot, could you name every single person in that room? And I went, yeah, a hundred percent. Like give me 84 women, I can name every single person. In the community, I know exactly what each and every one of person is doing. So when I respond to my messages, it's personal because I know what they're at in their position in their life. And. You know what? I only thought about that when that person asked me that question and I just assumed that everybody did that and they don't. They really don't. And I take real pride in that, that I actually do know every single person in that community and when I do my retreat. So yes, thanks for mentioning that. of your values as well though. Like you just make friends with people and you're like, what do you need? How can I help you? And I will connect you and I'll make that happen. yeah. So what I'm saying to listeners is come and join the community. but also, I think sometimes you're maybe starting out and you're in this hustling mode as we know really well, and you're like, this is what it's like to be an entrepreneur. It's tiring. I'm burnt out. I feel like an imposter. I feel like I have to learn everything. I'm never going to be the expert. I just need to work, work, work. And this is my life now. This is what business is like. And cashflow is going to be horrendous. You're going to feel like you're failing most of the time. We've all been through that bit. it's like, this sounds a bit wanky, like, so there's different like seasons, like different chapters. And the first chapter is always really hard and it's always hard work, lots of learning, lots of growth. You meet people and then they turn out to be bad people. You meet other people who will just stick with you for whatever you do, like us. So just remember that it's a chapter and the next one will be a bit easier or different and it's okay to change and try different things. I think when we started the podcast, we were both working so hard and really hustling and really growing and now we're like a bit more settled. You know, we've both got good businesses. We've got a lovely network. We know who we can trust. know who we can't trust. And we're just following that. Yeah, literally trust the process. And I've got this one just based on what you just said. It was a quote that I actually saved the other day, which is, day you plant the seed is not the day you eat the fruit. I love that. I love a quote, you know me. And that's so important. My first piece of advice would be, because I think it's the thing that keeps us all going, is surround yourself with people who are either doing what you're doing or believe in what you are doing. Because whether you believe it or not, to do what you do on a daily basis is exhausting. It really is. To be a mum, to be a business owner, if you're in full-time employment trying to leave your job, all of that is absolutely exhausting. So to then have then the mental barrier of somebody then constantly saying to you, I told you you can't do it. I told you it wouldn't work. What are you even doing? Why are you wasting your time with that? Like that is just gonna really grind you down to almost a halt. Whereas instead, if you've got somebody by your side who is saying to you, this looks interesting, this looks great. Why don't I support you? Why don't I take the kids tonight so that you can go to that networking event? Like. that's what you need, that's who you need to surround yourself with and I honestly believe that what actually got me through the dark days is you and others basically. is, no genuinely, it's the accountability, it's the person being your cheerleader in your corner. Like Sophie, you know me, I'm really real and honest on this. There were days where I'd literally come to you and I'd be like. Even at the beginning of mentoring, when you were mentoring, I remember I said to you, was like, I could never do that. And you were the first person to say to me, why? You have so much knowledge, you have so much to give, why are you not doing this? And I was like, just, like, imposter syndrome, I don't feel good enough. And you're like, just do it. And you were there by my side going, just do it. And I did. And here I am. And now I feel like I'm passing that torch on to be that support for others to say, just do it, like you can. And I think that... accountability is one of the most things. Also, I know for a fact that a lot of people procrastinate as well and they go, I'm going to make a pretty canva of a visualization board and I'm going to make a really pretty planner and I'm going to make a really pretty logo. And it's like, yeah, that's all great. Lovely. But now actually do something, take some action. And I speak to a lot of people and I say, what do you think is the thing that holds you back? And they all say, I procrastinate too much. I talk about doing it. but I don't actually do it. And so it's this notion of talk less, do more. Like, do it. You don't need to talk about it. got a really pretty Canva next to me that I designed for 2025. So there's nothing wrong with that. But yes, you're completely right. Yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah, you're right. like when you say to me, I've got an idea, but then we actually then put the motion in plan of doing it. And I'd say, you know, never give up, keep going. If you ever feel like you're at a point where you're like, I think I've come this far, but I don't think I can go much further, or I don't feel like I can do it, then. Then reach out to me. My DMs are always open on Instagram always message me and I'll help you as best I can So if I'm sure you're exactly the same Because we want to help as many people as we can believe that they can do it and we've all been there where we've all had that moment when we went This is the end This is where I stop and you just need that one person to go try this try this have you thought about this? Just to get you back back on the wheels as it were about Girls in Property, the support. Like when I first started, Julia was my accountability partner who was also doing rent to rent HMO in exactly the same town as me. And there was no competition. We were like, right, let's just support each other because there's thousands of HMOs and there's like, there's just enough for everyone. There really is. So the collaboration and the support is just lovely. As we always say, collaboration not competition. That is literally what it's all about. But yeah, that is 100th episode, Soph. 100. your some of your favourite moments have been. From the podcast, what have been some of my favourite moments? There are so many. Some of my favourite moments have been where, I'll tell you what some of my favourite moments are, where I get guests on the podcast who maybe I've spoken to quite a lot over Instagram or everything, but when I get them to tell their story at the beginning, I learn things that I never even knew and I'm like, I didn't know that about you. That's amazing. And for me, that then creates like a deeper connection with that person because then I learn about their story. I learn about where they came from. That's really, really special to me. the other thing I love about the pod, I'll tell you what, the other thing I love about the podcast actually is more the messages I receive from others. So for example, I get voice notes, I get messages where girls are like, Hey, Athena, starting out in property, I've just found you, just listened to this episode, loved it, et cetera. Or I'll get somebody who literally says, Hey, I've had a really not a great time recently. I've had a really dark month. I've literally just listened to your podcast and now I feel ready to go again. Like that's special. You know, that's really special. And that, It takes a lot, as you know, like when we did it together, like it takes a lot to show up and to put a podcast on every single Monday. And it'd be really easy to give up, it'd be really easy to stop because there's so many things that I've got to do on a daily basis. But the podcast for me is one of the most important things that I do because it's a promise that I made to myself, but it's a promise that I made to others to say, I will show up for you, like show up for yourself. yeah. and that's kind of my promise to it. And I'm so excited to see where it goes. Like I showed someone the other day. So when I did the retreat last year and I wrote my sponsorship pack, it said 22.2 thousand downloads. And then now when I was showing the sponsorship pack again to somebody, it showed it as 36 thousand downloads. And I was like, I was like, my God, like really? Yeah. I hope it goes from strength to strength. I'm looking forward to, think, being guests on others podcasts as well. I love the fact there's a new podcast coming out who are doing it as well. Oh, and also, I don't know, did I tell you this? I can't remember if I told you this. This year, I want to get in a studio. I, yeah, I want to have the girls in property studio, pink chairs, plants, stuff everywhere. Like, I have such a vision for that room. and I'm gonna create it and I'm gonna get some face-to-face conversations happening for girls and property. That's our main task. And then also, I'm hoping to get some really cool merchandise made as well. Maybe some hoodies, some t-shirts, obviously a notepad and pen, and get some really cool stuff for the girls as well. So it's only gonna go from strength to strength, like I really see it. I mean, the community now, which only launched in April last year. No, I lie. It launched in May-June because the retreat was in April so it's May-June. That's now 84 members. So I'm hoping by April 2025 I can get that to 100 before the retreat. That would be amazing. yeah, I guess the next time we all come face to face together as a whole, as a group, would be the annual retreat which is Friday 25th of April. So make sure that you grab your ticket. Sophie will be there. good, it's gonna be so much fun. I know, I've got fantastic speakers and also I got feedback from the last retreat as well so I'm shaking things up again for this retreat, I'm doing things slightly differently. Trying to get people I think to move more around, like I always find when I go to events it's very stagnant and you keep people sat quite a lot. I want to get people up, moving around, know, doing things, that's what I really want to do for this retreat so yeah and I am keeping it small, keeping it, I say small, I'm keeping it to 80 which for me is small. Only 80, yeah. so I just wanna get it right and just make it fantastic. yeah, you will always have a piece of my heart in this podcast. So if you really will, like, you know, we were there at the very beginning. So I had to get you back for this 100th episode and thank you for coming on. Yeah. Thank you. Thank you. Yeah, we'll have to celebrate. Another trip to the Ivy. Yeah, yeah, yeah, we will. All right, Soph, well, I hope you have the most amazing week. Listeners, thank you for listening. I hope you enjoyed this episode with me and Soph. Soph, if people wanna, I'm sure they already do, but if some listeners are listening to this for the first time and wanna find you on socials, where are you? Just come to Instagram, Sophie Invest. Yeah, perfect. And as always, Girls in Property on Instagram, Athena Dobson underscore official. And then, you know, any ideas you've got for 2025, message me. You can email me if you want at girls and property. Why am I girls in property pod at gmail.com. I had to remember that. And then also grab your ticket to April's retreat. We will see you there. All bells and whistles, and we will be putting on a show. So enjoy. Yay. All right. So have a great week. See you later, guys. Bye!